
@OmegaSpartan08: I have been saying for YEARS Capcom should put Dante in a fighting game. I thought it was only a matter of time.

I'm not into raping women but if someone choose to do it in a video game, should we really bitch about it? As long as they don't do it in real life I don't see a problem with it. People get off to some really weird stuff in the world but as long as they aren't harming anyone I don't care.

"Swords vs. guns, Matrix-y bullet-time effects, driving rock score with fatalistic lyrics"

SO glad they are adapting the manga version. Akira is probably the best manga I have completed. And I have read a lot of Manga. Anyone who has only watched the anime needs to check out the manga. It's absolutely amazing.

From my tv to the wall in my room is about 10 feet. And thats if im sitting on my bed up against it. If im standing up in my room its about 4 feet away from the tv. I may be screwed

I don't want another Sonic 2d platformer.... I want another Sonic game thats as good as Sonic Adventure 1....

@Doneaux: actually... Awards are a pretty good way to judge someone. Unless you are one of those people who still believe The Dark Knight should have won movie of the year in 08. Point blank, Jamie Fox is Not only an amazing actor, he is very talented over all. It's a shame some people can't see that.

@-MasterDex-: I assume you must hate FFX as well? I wouldn't mind letting motomu get his hands on the remake. But maybe I'm a bit biased. FFX is my fav in the series

Sony fanboys were playing the game thinking how amazing it looked and how pathetic the xbox 360 version was and then FREEZE! O_O

I like lady gaga... A lot... But her making out with a dike and dancing around naked for no reason is not anything special. Bad Romance was a better video than this. Not saying Telephone was bad. Just that most of the video was unnecessary. I just hope that her doing that isn't going to be considered "revolutionary"

Advance AI does not stand out in the open getting shot at Crytek _

You'd think final fantasy fans wouldn't mind changing disc at this point... I know I don't mind. Nor the slight SLIGHT graphical difference. It's funny because By the time you put in the 3rd disc you are only half way done with the story and not even half way done with the gameplay.

I put in 15 hours already and I love the game. It is linear but the story pretty much makes this first half of the game. You don't have many places to roam in a world where the government and civilians want you dead... Which makes me just now remember... There aren't any towns lol. I haven't even thought about that

Can't wait. Now i gotta buy 5 songs next week! omg, harmonix love taking my money lol