
He bought the car; it is no longer Ferrari's property.

Don't worry about it. You millenials have no money anyway. Y'all are living with your parents, since you have been screwed by the Boomers. That's why the few of you that can afford cars are driving Prius.

Looks like a Puma to me

Retracts are to get the gear out of the way of your camera shot.

Yeah, I know what you mean, one time I drove a Nissan Versa and it was substantially worse than my Focus ST.

No, you should shut your damn mouth.

"Remember that 100,000 mile 10 year thing, you know, the only reason you buy the slanted H instead of a legit Honda?

I thought the parking app for dicks was called Grindr.

Fun but, Nate needs more practice. He's at that "aim and shoot straight" phase of drone piloting. After a while he'll get yaw down and regret a lot of this video.

Obviously Humpty Dumpty hired the wrong team.

I don't think they took the "top 30", just 30 drivers.

corvette would win, but everyone would complain about the interior

25 year import law: the reason why we can't have nice things.

hahahaha exactly!! Then he'll finish the race in last place, do totally unnecessary damage to his car and make his "team" work all night to repair it, brag about how he killed it in qualifying, blame the crash on someone else, and somehow take the spotlight off the actual winner.

Hey Patrick, I think it would be easier for us to spot Block if you photoshop a cloud of smoke and dirt around his car.

"A hatch would've been faster."

You know what is the ultimate tailgating deterrent? not loafing in the passing lane

Jesus Christmas. It's you're, not your. I can't deal with the people anymore.

How many times do you have to tell people to wear a fucking helmet???

Is it really that hard to put [Deals] back into the title on these articles?