Cheshire Bat

Some things that should have worked never quite did on my VZ Galaxy Nexus. I couldn't play music from my library via voice search. It would always pull up a YouTube video instead. Tasker worked ~50% of the time, which I think is pretty rare, since everybody loves Tasker. Being a Verizon customer, I hated being

Same here. Especially with that exclamation point! Later I came to know that as the "it's a little chilly out" light.

Smart girl. I've heard that 99.9 percent of all highway accidents occurred while the driver wasn’t wearing gloves.

Start out with a personal trainer. They'll show you how to lift properly, and you won't feel weird in the weight section. I was always intimidated to go into the free weight section, but you'll get comfortable there, once you know what you're doing. There are also tons of sample routines online and YouTube videos

I use this all the time for marking up screenshots and creating simple graphics. Does pretty much everything I need.

This sounds pretty cool for some of those great old t-shirts that uh... have really shrunk over time? Yeah, that's it.

At least he got the plate right. Poor Ghia. Poor poor Ghia.

I used to use to track (they have a great tool), but now I use FitBit's site. The food logging is poor until you get all of your normal stuff in there. I find that when I stop tracking, my calories slowly start to creep up without me really noticing. It's amazing how much I would eat on the weekend, if I

Nice playlist :).

Agreed. Seems like they just picked MA because they thought it sounded funny. There's plenty to make fun of, but it requires a little more than looking at a map and some quick Googling, I guess.

I didn't say anything about preventing developers from doing this, but it might be smart to give them incentives to update their apps for iOS 7 to avoid driving away/annoying customers.

I feel like this practice will by strongly discouraged by Apple. Otherwise, iOS 7 will be a perfect opportunity for someone to break away from their ecosystem if you have to re-buy all of your apps.

Man, I though our "pods" were bad to work in...

Oh cool. Now it says it's compatible with some of my devices (my GNex). When I saw your reply I thought that I couldn't download it because Verizon had blocked it. Competition with their upcoming app to do the same thing. ETA: 5 years after ISIS is rolled out.

I was looking to see if it was compatible with my CARS before seeing your comment and noticing that I couldn't install it on my Galaxy Nexus if I wanted to. Oh well.

"username" should be the name of the user for which you want this functionality.

sudo visudo

I usually have my user set up so that I don't have to type my password at all. I know. I'm a bad Linux user...

Agreed. A fake reach on her part is nice, though.

When my Dad was trading in his ~85 Bronco II, the salesman though that us kids had thrown rocks at it, since most of the gray in the two-tone black/grey paint had chipped away. My 2013 Mustang is faring slightly better, but looks like garbage compared to the Charger parked next to it in the garage.