
You can have the son. I want the pappy. Oh I mean Lord Tywin...the man who shyte's gold.

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Ahh Judith Krantz. Princess Daisy was my preferred poison and when they did the miniseries and had Rupert Everett in it...ahh yeah that hits the sweet spot. I spent most summer nights in the 80s with one of the following authors in hand: Jackie Collins, Judith Krantz, Roberta Latow or Harold Robbins. God Bless Smut.

To any library that uses these excuses, "violated its no-erotica policy" or "did not meet the standards of the community" as reasons for not having it on their shelves...I dare you to keep to that if you have any of the following authors works on your shelves: Zane, Bertrice Small, Susan Johnson, Robin Schone, Jackie

You have my most sincere congrats and my lest poisonous envy.

I have never seen Alien3. Will put it on my to-do list.

Keeping in mind you have the wrong Lannister in the running it would be Fuck Tywin Lannister*, Kill Jon Snow and Marry Robb Stark. Thanks and good night.

It probably doesn't help that his momma shunned him and his human handler, Thomas Dörflein died. So yeah he probably had good reason to be sad. That's a lot of loss and abandonment even for a polar bear.

Sure I can assume that only a few are working dead in jobs. AND yeah a piece of something beats nothing at all...which I said in my first posting. However, as a public librarian who works a few hours a week in a job center I can say that for ever Black woman coming in to apply for well salaried jobs that offer

Well...yeah...but ummm....gotta ask...working at what??? Fast food?? Home health care? Maybe some retail work like cashier? In other words plenty of Black women working plenty of jobs that are dead benefits other than some piece of check...which when you have bills and children to take care of beats no check

If it was a case of 'too soon' then why even have an article about WH in the mag at all. Clearly from the cover there's going to be some lengthy article and you what I betcha the length of the MM cover story will not add up to the same amount of pages for the WH story. As for not having enough shameful stuff....a

Funny thing....if dead folks sell why not put Whitney Houston's picture on the cover and Marilyn's name in 24 pt font at the top? Probably because VF has a problem putting brown skinned folks on its cover...even in death there's a pop culture hierarchy.

Got through undergrad at a private liberal arts college by the skin of my teeth. Much prefer smut to straight deep thinking lit. That said. I did enjoy 50 Shades of Grey and have ordered the other two titles as well. However if I really want to get an erotica fix I read: Roberta Latow, Robin Schone, Susan Johnson or

Some music as the burning of Rome continues. Thanks for sharing.

I’m gonna go and step in it. Ann Romneys of the world have every right to get a pat on the back. BUT no that does not place them on a level compatible to one my mother has lived on. When my mother was 21 she found herself an unwed mother in a large Southern city. Once she got over the shock of being pregnant [she went

'"So, Ryan Gosling, Andrew...Who's a better kisser? Is it tough?" Ellen DeGeneres asked.

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Another Madame Bovary? I prefer the PBS version from 2000 featuring Greg Wise. :sigh:

Saw John Carter and Hunger Games on Saturday. Enjoyed both in equal measure. And while Liam Hemsworth is one tasty tall drink of water I'm Team Cinna all the way.

I do very few docus...but this one is so interesting...he's honest and earnest and yet an enigma all at the same time. He's got a solid work ethic and way of living in the world that is insightful but artful. I highly recommend this docu. Bill Cunningham New York []

Well...I'm kinda impressed with his list. Yeah they imploded into a toxic bitches brew of drugs and cray-cray...but before it went to was pleasant enough. Hindsight is always 20/20. I wish I could find a man who'd write a similar list about joke.

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I'd give a pinky toe or two hear him sing some O'Jays....old skool soul...all the way.