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Kerry Washington in the new series SCANDAL...she's not married on the series but hey least she met the other 4 of the 6 criteria.

I believe this pic is from one of the Ocean 11 movies because of the tattoo on the hand. Either way I like him clean shaven with short this pic is visual ambrosia to me.

One meager example of Brad Pitt looking more beautiful than Angelina within the last 10 years. BP as Rusty Ryan in Ocean's 11.

First I have to admit I'd lay with Daniel Craig in a pup tent let alone a plain old apartment. However, considering that the piece of real estate they bought in Soho for $11.5 million is a 4,350 sq ft penthouse with three bedrooms, three bath, 2,000 sq ft of outdoor space. Included in all that sq ft is media room with

I'm a spinster. However, if by some cosmic f**kup I do get married I plan to get married in purple. Love the look of this wedding party. Boldly romantic.

Tried but couldn't say it better. Thank you.

Clooney is an easy one: Mr. SmugSlimySlicksterMan would be killed. Now for the hard shyte: I'd commit bigamy and marry/fuck Damon and Craig....then divorce Damon and happily fuck Craig into oblivion.

Amen said the church.

I'd love to see either Dame Mirren or Paterson Joseph [] as Dr. Who. Heck make her the Dr and him the'd be off the chain.

Why oh why would I want to think like a man...for a man...which if he wants that then doesn't he want a dude instead of a woman? So on top of living in a society that sees fat Black women as mannish I now am being encouraged to think like a man? It just seems to be neverending the level of toxic anti-Black woman BS.

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Some gospel for the spirit that has moved by these words.

I had a running buddy for 10 years. When it went south [she began to bully me] I lost my only socializing close pal. I have work place friends but most of them are married w or w/o children. They have lives and pretty much see too much of me already on our 40 hour a week job. I am 41 years old and 55% I am totally

Just because.

And Toby Stephens Mr. Rochester from the 2006 PBS version was also tasty. I now own Dalton, Stephens and Fassbender on DVD playing Mr. Rochester. Some snowy weekend I shall drive in and watch all 3 back to back .

ScarJo's words come from having gone from Ryan to a man like Sean Penn. She went from a decent enough man to someone who basically dragged her through some kind of ego slop and still left her high and dry. I get the feeling from this comment as well as another she made about never having been single/alone for so long

YEP. EXACTLY. And still get arrested.

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All these new Fassy Converts. Welcome to the Thrill. Have been lusting over him since HEX. He makes one hell of a fallen angel. That's all.

If I ruled the universe and had complete control of PEOPLE magazine

Well you know he did have a bad motorcycle accident back when he was on Desperate Housewives....which was a huge waste of his talent & charisma. Anywho. I believe he's still impressive...the opening scene with him killing Cassie's mom was pretty awesome...sick and evil...but awesome. Here's hoping they give him more