
Well color me 14 once more...cause I am really digging The Secret Circle. Have been out of middle school since 1985 BUT hey why not return. Besides the interesting use of magic, a pretty decent soundtrack and the 'what big bad happened 16 years ago?' vibe I am always into anything offering a chance to drool over Gale

The fifth one. The idea that a guy who looks like that would even know who bell hooks is let alone have read her theories and would be interested in discussing them...:sigh: bestill my spinster heart. Yeah...I'll be in my bunk.

I certainly did....the 1st 7 minutes is basically GH porn. Lord he plays Big Bad very well. Its been 22 years since I was in high school so I am fuzzy on what it felt like BUT it seemed to set the right tone....I am pretty much willing to give TSC a long leash as long as GH is close to the center of the storyline. And

Have not read the books. BUT again will be watching to enjoy the sight of Gale Harold being the Big Bad.

The only new show I plan to watch irregardless of bad plotting and/or bad acting is The Secret Circle. And that's due to Gale Harold playing a very nasty warlock. Basically Brian Kinney but straight and slightly more demonic. YUM.

Seeing that third pic of her looking sideways brings to mind a quote she gave in the September issue of ALLURE: "I never understood the point of being privileged if you don’t get to have the privileges." Yeah she's a fierce beeytch to say the least.

Sweet baby Jesus that sounds like cookie ambrosia. Who makes them?

EXACTLY!!!!! They were so determined to disavow their 'love' for each other that you'd think they were stealing away up north following the eastern star. something seems off. how do you go from 'it ain't none of your bizness' to 'yeah world look at me look what I got!!!!' ? There seems to be some fakery going on.

I'd do bad things for any lemon flavored cookie....but in a pinch a Samoa is tasty as well. Now I'm going into heat thinking about ordering 3 boxes of Lemon Chalet Cremes....:sigh:

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Oh the joy of watching a woman beg her great great great granddaddy to continue to be her fuck buddy....only on True Blood. And who knew....gators like marshmallows.

Enjoyed Bridesmaids well enough. Melissa McCarthy's Megan is my spirit animal. However. The 2nd SATC movie pissed away the charm and style of the series and even the 1st SATC movie. In all my years I have never been so tempted to go to the box office and ask for a refund. They even f**ked up the appearances of Noah

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Never gave him a 2nd thought to him till I saw on WEEDS. He's one sexy m-f. ((((YUMMM)))).

Well over the years I have come to realize that the gender preference is an odd sort of social virus. I remember back in the mid 80s being in a Black hair salon. It was the one and only time I ever had my hair professionally done. A woman who was the mother of the three sons popped off about how glad she had no

Am in no way anti-Beyonce. BUT....Beyonce's music is basically musical empty calories. She is impressive now BUT time will show just how lightweight her songs are. She will not have the lasting, timeless appeal of an Aretha or Billie Holiday or Nina Simone. She's mostly weave, heels and a voice that while appealing

The Rock is mighty tasty in deed. If you enjoy go see FAST FIVE....his take as a brutal, to the point, cut the shit and kick ass agent has to be seen on the big scene. The goatee, the sweat, the swagger...Lord have mercy. His mucho macho man shtick works very well.

Hear Ye...Hear Ye...all I read is smut. I made it through undergrad by the hair of piss ant and now that my brain is duly fried I read nothing but smut. My preferred authors in no particular order: Susan Johnson, Robin Schone, Bertrice Small, Diane Whiteside and for a contemporary twist Roberta Latow. Plenty of

So there will be Hamm in March 2012...a new good kind of March to just keep the Mayan end time at bay till after the end of the season.

The future has been exposed and it looks butt ugly. I work at the public library in Louisville, KY. I have been doing reference work since 1997. I was a clerk before that, a clerk being the person who checks out the books to you. Anyway, there is alot of lousy, lazy governing throughout America. The fact is the

Could we call it the Daniel Craig Effect?