AHHH yeah Blair Underwood on a cold dreary winter day...Thank you sweet baby Jesus. And oh yeah congrats to all the nominees including the ones who did not deserve it :looking at The Tourist and Alice in Wonderland:
AHHH yeah Blair Underwood on a cold dreary winter day...Thank you sweet baby Jesus. And oh yeah congrats to all the nominees including the ones who did not deserve it :looking at The Tourist and Alice in Wonderland:
Sorry the article is interesting BUT the pic of Jon Hamm as Don Draper sexually dominating Bobbie Barrett almost eclipsed the article...as they say I'll be in my bunk.
Man I wish they were dating. AND I live with someone who watches DWTS. I have been in PopCulture Purgatory all week...Precious Lord take my hand and lead me away from TeaParty bad taste and no talent.
The article's comment about her marriage brings this quote to mind:
Simply put...Cher is sacred shyte and Thank God she'll survive the nuclear holocaust...along with cockroaches and McDonald's Happy Meals.
This makes me miss Zalman King and Red Shoe Diaries even more. :sigh:
@magicwaffle: The catch is vampire folklore says the way you were physically at the point you were turned is the way you'll spend your undead decades. SO. We just need some vampires to turn homely, overweight people. I'm sure there are plenty to be found.
When I first saw pic #1 all I could think of was 'Strip him. Bathe him. And bring him to my tent.' But then again I just may be having one too many Bertrice Small acid flashbacks. Either way....I wonder what his voice sounds like? Hmmmm.....
@Ulookinatmyjunk: IS a star: From what I understand whenever she shows up in public she puts her personae on. That being one of a lady dressed to the hilt from the 1940s. One Halloween she dressed in jeans and spray tan and said most people did not recognize her. What's really cool: She's a natural blonde.
@FreudianNipSlip: AMEN.
@edith-irene: The best actor on True Blood is Nelsan Ellis who plays Lafayette Reynolds. From that point you end up at the bottom of the heap which I reserve for Anna Paquin & Rutina Wesley. I don't know if its the characters or the way the actors portray them BUT I do not enjoy Tara anymore...they are making her…
'Do you hear me now? Yes, I'm Chuck Bass. And don't you forget it.'
I am almost certain that foreplay was probably 45-55 minutes of this sex extravaganza and the rest was actually old in-and-out action. Just my summarizing of the situation.
To Joseph and all of his ilk: Good riddance to rubbish. AND where by chance is 'my happy land of perpetual self centered needs being met' located? Essence ran a piece a few years back about Black men taking frequent trips to Brazil cause the women are pretty and pretty easy to deal with. AND even then I wondered by…
I have a thing for magicians. I love the idea of magic and wonder and love all happening at the hands of some dude who wants to amaze me and if there's a bunny in the hat that's okay too. Basically my love of magic is why THE ILLUSIONIST with Edward Norton is my go to movie if I wan to be charmed & seduced. Second…
I get the feeling that Kat D and Jesse should probably have been together years ago...it's not about being perfect or happy beyond reason BUT compatible and in tandem lifestyle-wise. Just saying.
@CheleBelle: I have also been known to refer to my own as 'The Grrls'. Example: It's Friday afternoon and I am heading home to let The Grrls out and maybe watch a DVD or two.
From a Black Adder episode: Devil's Dumplings
I like it. A lot. But then again I'm spending alot of time thinking how good Skarsgard looks naked. Just saying. (((YUMMM))))
'....and for the shots of that dreamboat, Javier whats-his-face, who can sweep me off my feet on vacation anytime he pleases. Him, I'd go on a game show to marry. The man has the kind of face that could light a candle on a birthday cake from seven blocks away, ah-cha-cha, get out of here!'