
Suing a sitting president( I’m not capitalizing this pos) on his birthday!! GLORIOUS!!

Given that Trump admitted to self-dealing in 2016, one would fucking hope the NYAG “had it in writing.”

I live just north of Seattle and my city is getting a light rail station. This means a ton of redevelopment and the NIMBYs are losing their damn minds. People are pissed that trees are going to get cut down to make way for “trashy apartments and townhomes.”

Yes, they are much like the religious conservative who is for the sanctity of marriage and against abortion, but once he knocks up this mistress, is taking her to Planned Parenthood.

Oh look, the Acceptable Minorities are wypipoling it up because their kids might have to share the hall with some black and brown children. Woe is them. This grave injustice of “giving other people of color a chance in the face of systemic inequality that Asian communities have exploited to give their children a leg

They threw out the dog whistles and picked up a bullhorn at the RNC in 2016.

Right, and the older generation had ZERO problems, like getting drafted and deciding if you want to go to war, or prison.

Yup! There’s a house we loved in a Boston suburb(‘s suburb) that languished on the market at 380, sold last Feb, and is now listed as 418 valuation on Zillow with no repairs or updates done or needed. It’s wild.

At the risk of sounding glib, I truly believe that the answer to your question is “the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

There are lawsuits to this effect ready to go once the Janus decision comes down.

Yeah, it’s such a weird precedent to set, but even on its face it makes no sense to me. Whether you like it or not your tax dollars are funding public sector management bargaining against you, but you have an issue with paying for public sector unions who bargain on your behalf?

I actually predict someone trying that exact logic to try to get out of paying federal taxes because it supports speech they don’t agree with.

On the Wealth of Nations was actually pretty great, and is uniquely specific about the cases where capitalism works: lots of buyers, lots of sellers, easy market access, low switching costs, and repeated purchases. Basically, it works in your everyday transactions, like grocery shopping (you versus the manufacturer,

Nah, it won’t work like that. They’ll ask for a few volunteers per school and all the sane teachers will think “no fucking way am I touching that”. So what you’ll end up with is armed assistant football coaches.

Not only that: how are the cops to know WE (teachers who are presumably armed in this dystopian future) aren’t the shooters, or helping the shooters? This is a sure-fire way to end up fucking dead in an active shooter situation.

This is exactly the fallacy of the whole “good guy with a gun” in that it presupposes that any random asshole with a gun has not just the generic bare bones knowledge to fire and handle their weapon (which of course is never confirmed to even purchase it) but the capability to respond tactically to a live shooter

You’re thinking too small. Kardashian-branded guillotines would sell like hotcakes to young aspirational idiots who’d happily behead themselves.

Last year I went to the ER with such terrible tooth pain I felt like I was having a heart attack. I didn’t have the energy or will to talk I was that weak. I was 100% sure it was infected (This all happened over the weekend and my dentist could not see me). So I got there and was measured with a 185BP and 115 Heart

No, you had it right at laziness...

Maybe we should plaster billboards with the broken and bloody bodies of children shot daily. THIS IS WHAT A BULLET DOES TO A CHILD.