
Some one should ask Peolsi and Schumer why “Walls are immoral” on our southern border but perfectly fine if an apartheid state puts them up when oppressing a native population.

I’d just like to note:
For a fun time call up Steve King’s office and ask them about his quotes and stuff. Make them defend it.

I did the same thing with Matt Gaetz’s office and his inviting Chuck Johnson to the state of the union.

Sure it solves nothing but for a brief moment, you get to hear people getting

I work in a rural area and the base pay for a starting teacher with no experience is slightly higher than a Denver teacher with no advanced degree and 7 years experience.

Thats bonkers. Plus it’s not like Denver is a cheap area to live in at the moment. 

Here’s the bonkers thing, the law could change if RGB or any one else steps down or passes.

How the fuck does it make sense that American law can change because 1 person died and we hired what ever fucking ideological ass hole in their place. That points to a broken ass system.

I love the fact that Trump called Ted Cruz’s wife ugly AND THEN she was turned down for a job in the administration and Ted Cruz still runs around kissing his ass.

Like fuck man, I’ve woken up on a park bench in a different country after a particularly sad bender and I still have more self respect than that. 

Wait, how many dog whistles we at?

As middle school teacher, I really think we should send all middle schoolers to go work in a Foxconn plant for a year. 

I love “Bipartisian Optimism” Trump.

It lasts roughly 30 minutes and then he’s back to screaming how hordes of Mexicans are going to come and kill you and how Democrats are eating aborted baby fetuses.

It’s kinda like the weird tonal shift when you distract a toddler that’s screaming and they suddenly smile and

This is the fundamental problem with the GOP, they only have grandstanding.

They have put forth no ideas to any issues affecting America other than (checks notes)

1. A wall.

2. Lower taxes on the wealthy.

Other than thinly veiled and non-thinly veiled racism, I have no idea what they want or stand for.

I don’t think she ever claimed tribal affiliation or anything either. I never understood the ballyhoo other than the left’s need to constantly eat their own.

Yes. I am.

Personally, I think racist cop may be new career path.

Seems to pay pretty well for just a little bit of effort and then you get a tax payer funded retirement package

Like to visit? I don’t live in Portland anyhow.

Well, as an Oregonian, ya gotta remember, technically black folk weren’t even allowed to live in the state longer than a year. I mean you could but a public flogging was involved.

I mean, Portland plays the progressive game pretty well but as a white dude, it often seems like it’s more just virtue signaling than

There’s no way this dude DIDN’T spend time on old Craigslist M4M casual encounters page. 

Bill Gate’s father basically gave him his start with a fuck load of money. So he’s not exactly self made.

Heres the thing.

We live in a wealthy nation where kids come to school in the winter without appropriate gear. It gets to a point where it’s dangerous for students to wait for the bus in the weather as we don’t know if kids have appropriate winter coats.

Fucking hell.


In theory, I love charter schools. They should be small in number, have solid oversight and based on research based innovative ideas. They should be little micro labs overseen by experts in the field in order to attempt new approaches to education.

In practice, the vast majority are profit making ventures for shit

charters are a transfer of public funds to private pockets

Thats why I need my gun. So my wife remembers to respect me.