
Buffalo, NY was pretty awesome for the few days I randomly spent there for shits and giggles.

I live out in the ruralish west coast in Astoria, Oregon. Even some of the smaller towns around us have houses that are going for 325k for 1500 square feet.

This is insane. Considering the average income is about 44k or something.

A lot of houses are being bought cash money by Californians apparently and there is

If the wall is started, it should be sabotaged at every opportunity. Blow up sections. Fuck that thing

We will force you to have a baby but fuck you if you need any assistance raising it.


How does being married to a US citizen not at least give him the ability to appeal?

I work full time as a special ed teacher. Total taken out of my paycheck for taxes and and health care is about 1500.(700 for insurance.) A friend in Canada pays about 600 in taxes and receives their national health care. A much better deal.

Because, on top of the roughly 8k a year I pay in health insurance, I have to

No I hear ya, a family of 5 would probably mean Seattle and Portland areas are out completely. I left Seattle for Astoria, OR because a 2 bedroom apartment with child care wouldn’t have been affordable no matter how much we cut the budget.
Good luck. Its a great area to live and raise a family. I love it here. But

Where ya looking at moving. You could, assuming you have cash to cover it, make the move to the Seattle or Portland area and temp till you get a gig you want.
Theres actually a lot of “creative” temp agencies in Seattle that look for people like you.

what kinda work you do?

Bettendorf is my home town, I grew up there. I left in 2007 to work abroad and returned in 2012 and promptly took off for Oregon. That PP is one I actually used with a girlfriend for health screenings and contraceptives.

I love Iowa but the states politics are getting righter and more garbage. When I was traveling I

Don’t forget he also called immigrants trash as well.

There a source for that. I’m not calling you a liar I’m just intrigued.

I’m glad the DOJ is going to waste a shit load of money again.

I wonder how much cash the GOP has blown investigating the Clintons over 40 years

Never trust a man wearing work boots that aren’t dirty.

This would be easier if all the trans and non binary people just voted on a set of words at the next big conference.

Yes. And all Germans are responsible for the Holocaust forever.

I cannot imagine being a human being and thinking, “Hmm, a good life long goal is would be to make it my mission in life to make life harder for those already vulnerable.”

The media is partly to blame. They basically decided Ryan was some sort of amazing numbers wonk. And so he suddenly became the “budget guy”. And

Guys I am shocked that a dude who has been wealthy for over 20 years is shockingly out of touch!


Why I dare say that wealth is an insulating factor in your life!

I’d love to see your average Middle Class Republican work two jobs for 3 months or something.

Most people are know in poverty work hard as fuck but the way we have structured things basically keep them there. One bad month in terms of a car break down, illness or what ever kills them.