It’s really fucking great that a celebrity as talented as him is actually supporting the public school system. Makes my cynical heart a little teary eyed. (my heart not my eyes, crying isn’t manly.)
It’s really fucking great that a celebrity as talented as him is actually supporting the public school system. Makes my cynical heart a little teary eyed. (my heart not my eyes, crying isn’t manly.)
How does this parse with the Presidents job to uphold the laws of the United States?
At this point, can we just dig up Eugene Debs and run his skeleton ass for President?
Well, this was a pretty good speech. He left out anything OVERTLY racist like calling the native’s “reds” or something and didn’t OVERTLY insult anyone.
I mean, I know the bar is low, but this was as good as we are gonna get from big daddy Trump.
I had a student who wore a shirt like that. Made him turn it inside out. Parents complained. Said I was targeting their son. Demanded a meeting.
Mom comes in, guns blazing. “You don’t have the right. My son. Heritage. Blah Blah Blah Blah.”
After she was done, I just pulled out some quotes from Confederate leaders,…
Haha. As a sped teacher, I will go raise holy hell when shit like this happens. I do a little educational advocate for IEPS. It’s super fun for me to use the law to bludgeon these schools.
This article could be a bit shorter.
For example, the starting section, the middle section and the last section are kinda wordy. It could have been a bit more to the point.
Title: How to protest without offending people like my self, middle class white person with a toenail’s grasp on that middle class section.
Her eyes are always doing two different things. Weirds me out.
PROTIP: Put whiskey in your coffee to help the dull the pain of daily life.
And if we scroll dooooooooooooooown.....(reading comprehension is your friend)
Not adults
Thank god we live in a country that won’t stand forthings like this and the 23 children shot daily......
Ya, its an odd fact of life that in a major first world nation city you just hear gun fire randomly in the evening.
Oh ya.
To be fair, this is America, so everyone should be a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle afraid of leaving the home to get shot.
Or even staying in your home and getting shot.
Or just even getting shot while in your own damn bed.
Americans shoot each other a lot is what I’m getting at. It’s like we have an undeclared war upon each…
This is a beautiful story and should be filmed as a public service announcement for tv like olddont do drug commercials
I honestly cannot say the n word without forcing myself to. Like as a BD teacher, I have to have “that’s not ok” talk with my students and I like have to mentally prepare myself if I need to use the word.
So at what point is Donald Trump going to be feuding with ALL ya’ll African Americans. Like I expect the next tweet sometime soon to be “All African Americans(great people) should just stop complaining #MAGA #BLESSED”
Another teacher I worked with was a black fellow from inner city Baltimore and he left after a year. He said he’d rather live down south where shit is out in the open than in the pacific northwest, where shit hides behind a smile and the appearance of being “woke”.
He actually got reprimanded by admin because he…
It’s simple, there is a large subset of white folk that want to be seen as brave for living in a “urban” area.
I’m a white special ed teacher(I work with Emotional disturbances and things like that) and just got the hell out of Seattle for the small town coast.So many teachers I worked with seemed to collect “stories”…
Oh look it’s logical fallacy man.