
I hear Fredrick Douglas was there to help them though...good guy.

You still salty about her being the Ancient One?

I wonder how all these people will feel w hen they are cast as inept villains in the eventual movie version

Her eyes are like always different sizes. As if one eye is trying to signal that it needs help.

How does this stack up against the 70s version? I’m still boggled this was remade.

I was offered a job at a school once but shortly after visiting it became clear that you needed to drink the bible kool aid. I backed out quickly.

Basically, I can’t point to one piece of legislation or bill or even executive action since Trump became President that makes life better for anyone but the richest Americans.

And yet, even though he’s doing things that ACTIVELY hurt them, they still support him.

Yay that was fucking heinous.

I’m not anti-charter school. I think they can be good labs for ideas.
Charters as they are being instituted NOW though are overwhelmingly degree mills bent on getting rid of kids who don’t perform and adhearing to drill drill drill in order to perform well on tests.


Shitty “No Excuses”

I mean, the justices are right of course, as long as you ignore ALL the data to contrary.

It just boggles my mind that this would even be something the Supreme Court would spend more than 30 seconds debating.

If you get to have a religious exemption for that, then you can use religion to justify anything.

Yes, at the Kingsmoot, which is held every year to elect the King Ranger.

Way to boil a complex issue down to LOL Liberals.

I’ve often wondered what would happen if we just started throwing a random picture of a white person instead of a POC in police shootings. Just how the public would respond.

Something different about this case....

Also, CLEGANEBOWL was telegraphed WAAAAAAAAAY back in season 1. The Hound steps in to fight his brother and save the life of Loras Tyrell.

The fight would have been to the death had it not been stopped by the King.

If we are looking at long planted seeds sprouting....

As a union thug, I’m still waiting for those benefits *ANGRY FACE*

Wait. You aren’t?

Historically accurate dialects and speech makes it dated?

I work as a special education teacher in SPS and I can tell you that this is pretty par for the course.

I’m leaving SPS at the end of this year, one of the main reasons, is that I can no longer be a part of a “progressive” school system that I find unethical.

Honestly, the amount of unethical things I’ve been asked to

Martin Luthor King Jr. seems to be trotted out as a way to silence black led dissent. Basically, “you’re doing it wrong.”

People often forget that ,at the time, he was considered a dangerous radical. Hell, he’s still more progressive and radical than most liberal progressives now.