Every dude I've ever been with who had long hair had no idea how to care for it. Trims? Trims are for the weak! What do you mean I need to use conditioner? Hot oil treatment? Sounds kinda... girly.
Every dude I've ever been with who had long hair had no idea how to care for it. Trims? Trims are for the weak! What do you mean I need to use conditioner? Hot oil treatment? Sounds kinda... girly.
Kermit the Frog was my first crush when I was a little kid, and Steve Martin is my pretend husband.
Every time I see Steve Martin I'm reminded that he's getting old. I'm not joking when I say that I will cry and cry forever if -if guys, death isn't for sure, right????- he dies. I mean, it'll never happen, so we're cool. If he did though...
Burt Reynolds Approves of This Post
And kudos for not giving the Dolly Parton actress comically huge boobs.
Grand Poobah?
"It wears the milk pants for the goats or else it gets the hose again."
Just come over to the 818, we're L.A. Adjacent but without all the craziness.
Perfect, but I cannot believe this hasn't been posted all over this comment section
They're polyhedral!
But have you ever seen the back of one?? You don't know!! We need a DM's ruling. DOES THE BEHOLDER HAVE AN ASS?
But then he can't point out to us how ...we shouldn't assume that black people will be good at African Jazz because...I mean, they didn't grow up in a jungle, right? Right? What? Why is that offensive?
Can we just tape his mouth shut all the time? He is such a freaking perv!
Would you rather see Russian Folk again? Poor Phillip and Jeanine!
I've always thought apologist should mean something different than what it does.
A guy walks into a talent agents office.
There's a tossed salad joke somewhere in there.