That's really cool! The Glove and Boots videos are usually pretty good. :)
That's really cool! The Glove and Boots videos are usually pretty good. :) my laptop is cover in coffee. "Thanks" for that.
I want to go to there!
Yes, I do have too much time on my hands. Why do you ask?
Give my playlist back! (LOL)
818 Represent!
As someone who actually makes puppets for a living, I'm going to guess that most of the modern day muppets are made with reticulated foam (an open cell that allows more air through) and have vents, so they probably aren't that gross.
(Possibly NSFW)
When I take the puppets to comic conventions, I get asked EVERY single time to make a custom Homestuck puppet for people, who are usually in costume. I explain that the creator put up a notice on his website that he doesn't want ANY content made from his series, and I respect and understand that, so I won't do it.
YESSS! I love all things Henson. I even did a tutorial to make your own mini version of the Java Puppet ... here!
It is the ONLY place I have been able to find that carries a cranberry/black mottled version of the craft felt I use that's made from recycled bottles, but there are non near me, so I have to pay for shipping.
Heard about the "secret meeting", and kept the live stream up on my laptop. Heard cheering a few minutes ago and checked twitter. According to the Texas Tribune Cecile Richards just told the supporters on the tundra it's dead! WOOT!
Yes, please! More Freddy, less Duck. Ever since he ditched his dog in the street, I have loathed him. ... Jerk.
It's all fun and games until the wall starts spurting blood. Then it's time to GTFO.