
Move to amend the bill so that any legislator who authors or votes in favor of legislation already settled by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional is knowingly and deliberately subverting the Constitution and violating his or her oath of office; therefore, the legislator, from that day forward, is deemed to have

I just called his office, (405) 557-7382, and left those exact questions in a message to his very pleasant assistant. She says he will give me a call back. I’ll update when if he does!

Also, and here’s the thing that always gets me with these kind of “let the man be part of the decision bills” - if they want to have equal say in whether or not a woman should get an abortion shouldn’t they be automatically legally responsible for at least 50% of taking care of that child once it’s born?

If it’s an intruder, can you shoot on sight?

All your penis are belong to us