Thus Spake Zarathustra

This is crap. I previously worked in the supply chain for a large electronics manufacturer that was not Apple and they did the exact same thing. The only difference is, their shit didn't sell as well as Apple's and they couldn't command the premium that Apple does. Every company does what Apple does and if they

While I completely get somewhat why everyone equates Foxconn with Apple, the problem with even this report is that Gizmodo /only/ mentions Apple by name while saying "certainly not just Apple" without mentioning the, oh, half dozen other manufacturers that also use Foxconn and have similar conditions and AREN'T

Being a student of copyright (literally, I'm writing my thesis on it), I was going to write this very thing. I'd also add that international treaties to which the US is party always trump any other law or interest when the Supreme Court has to decide. Quite literally, while the outcome sucks, there kind of wasn't

Wait, are these two pictures not the same guy? Because the second one is clearly from Star Trek: Voyager (obviously) but the first one looks, I don't know, like the same thing but different. I'm confused.

That's a really good point and I'm not ignoring it, it just wasn't the point of my comment. Apple has a patent, said patent is valid and has been challenged several times now and is still valid. You can argue with the merits of the patent (which the original poster didn't really do. In fact, he conceded fairly

I have read it. The aspect that is patented is the ability to not only recognize that it's useful data, but to then do something like clicking on it. So it is about touch screens. Indeed, if you Google the patent number, Google will show you the patent which is called "System and Method for Performing an Action on

That (phone dialing via touching a screen or opening a map by clicking an address) is what the patent covers, which was the point of my post. Several companies had done what Apple did to a certain extent (and I acknowledged as much) but they didn't then implement it with a touchscreen, which is exactly what the

While I'm not a patent lawyer (I am studying to be one, however), your analysis is somewhat flawed. It's not just that Apple made a way to recognize patterns, it's that they made a way to recognize patterns and then do something with them like call someone or add a calendar invite or look up a street address. It's

I'm not so sure that's true: what's to say the person isn't about to rob a cop or someone else who has a gun/knife? Also, though, I wasn't mugged in NYC, I was mugged in Chicago and by a person without a guy. I think it's more the issue of it being a giant city where muggings go uninvestigated because they have

Yeah, I have insurance on all this shit with a really low deductible because I've a) been mugged before and had the shit beaten out of me which required 24 hours in the ER and I still can't remember showing any resistance when it happened; b) I've lost two iPhone 4's this year in cabs, both within a month of the

I'm sorry, WHAT? I'd like to think "you trollin,'" but I just can't comprehend that even a troll would say something so incredibly misinformed and imbecilic.


Sort of true, but making this about Apple when it's really about how broken our patent system is is how we get into spitting fights about why Apple/Microsoft/Google/etc is bad. None of them are inherently bad for doing this—they just have to do it because everyone else does and if they don't, they'll get sued.

And this is why software patents suck. Huge Apple fan, so don't mistake that for an attack on them (also, because everyone does the same thing Apple does) but there was a reason that the Patent and Trademark Office said they weren't legal and it was incredibly dumb of SCOTUS to say otherwise. Stupid SCOTUS, those

Actually, you can. I do this for the iPads my company owns and the iPhones as well. In fact, you can make it so that they can't do shit on their phone except answer calls using the iPhone configuration tool, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of an iPhone, wouldn't it?

As an IT person who works at a company that supports both BlackBerry and iPhone (as well as Android and Win7), I can tell you that all those policies can be implemented on an iPhone as well without touching iTunes and without—heaven forbid—buying a specialized server. In fact, you don't even have to buy software,

As I've said many a time, we've tried to convince our CEO not to use BlackBerry for this and several other reasons. Today, when we told him BB was down and that he'd have to use a temporary iPhone while in Asia, he actually sent me an email saying that I or other people in IT had clearly hacked into RIM and trashed

Ha, I and my fellow IT coworkers have been trying to convince our CEO to stop using BB for this and other reasons for like a year. One day, he'll learn.

In the span of one month, I lost two iPhones myself and both times I had Find My Phone enabled. Up until that point, I had never lost anything in my entire life and took great pleasure in mocking my "careless" friends for losing their phones. Needless to say, I didn't get either of them back even after sending

It is a makeup ad, right? Isn't the whole point to appear airbrushed by the end of one's morning application of said product or did I misunderstand somewhere?