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I will shamelessly take the chance to repost this epic Chilean student protest from 2011, with the motivation that this shows the absolutly eternal classic status of the original song and video. Those are about 3000 people doing the original choreography....

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Ran into this video recently. A dance teacher teaches her students the Thriller dance and it’s fantastic.

I only know the food side of it, but I’ve hard a lot of the same problems exist on the journalism side. Like, getting a good job generally means you worked a lot of unpaid internships or horribly compensated spots to “build your resume” in a way that a lot of people just can’t afford to do.

And folks on that side STILL ain’t talking about the fact that having a compulsory display of “patriotism” before a corporate professional sports exhibition is deeply weird?

After watching the series, you’ll come away wondering if a nice animal sanctuary even exists. And if one exists, it’ll probably turn into one of the many money grubbing schemes to profit from the animals while they sit in tiny cages or get put down when things get tough.

That’s perfect. The Chip at my high school was so WASPy it hurt. His dad always addressed him as “the son”.

The controversy is largely because he’s from the UK, and has a lot to do with the English expectation of “assimilation” and “gratitude” from successful black people. The fact that he had to specify that he was talking about anti black racism says it all. The English have succeeded in defining “racism” down to an

I’ve never been able to work out why certain segments of American society get so bent out of shape about profanity. Presumably, it’s wrapped up in the same performative morality that underpins a lot of the religion here. (much more important to seem good than to be good, sort of thing.)

Meanwhile, their kids are out here cussing at everybody, including their parents. They love f-bombing and calling people bitches.

What’s funny about ppl tattling to Disney is that his Star Wars contract is over and he and Oscar Isaac haven’t exactly been shy about the experience not living up to the hype. In fact, I’m pretty sure that during an interview they both were like “heeeeeeell no” about coming back for more Star Wars films. They really

What exactly do these self-appointed Sheriffs think is going to happen?

I wonder how many of these racists are also fans who call think “SJWs” ruined Star Wars and how many are weirdo Rey/Kylo fans.  Racist Star Wars fans have an intense dislike for him.

“Aggressive?” Rotten dick nuggets, no one would get aggressive with you if you MYOB. I would get aggressive too, he wasn’t security or a property manager. Whitey needs to stop deputizing themselves.

Yeah, definitely a “hit dog will holler” moment, right? Some folks can’t wait to tell on themselves.

I saw this on my Twitter feed yesterday and the abject caucacity was flowing thick and fast.

I really fucking hate racists.”

“I wonder how @Disney feels about this.”

I have added John Boyega to my List of Sons. And Thunder Fire You to my list of curses.

So, now I like him more.

I’ve come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency