I thought Canada had freedoms. Is throwing beer on babies wrong?
I thought Canada had freedoms. Is throwing beer on babies wrong?
Read it as an RX-7 Mobile Suit cosplay and almost shit my JalopnikGundam pants;.
This is a lot of words for the guy who wrote a lot of words to cover up that he couldn’t use an Xbox One.
I still don’t see how, just because SotG has more thought and effort put into their visuals, that negates the musical portion. I think composing medleys actually takes more effort and thought than playing through straight songs (which much of DW does, though the Chocobo Medley is a great piece).
Curious to know where you got the budget info from, but the comment about the video is actually a reason I liked the Zelda concert more: Distant Worlds’ video seemed out-of-sync with the music, almost an afterthought, while Zelda’s was spot-on.
I saw the Symphony of the Goddesses a few days after seeing Distant Worlds (Final Fantasy’s orchestral performance). Although I like FF music better, the Symphony of the Goddesses was a much better show. Don’t know whether they used union folks (this was in Austin, Texas), but I support this performance.
This is good Kinja.
Trigger alert: This is rape. College taught me she cannot consent.
Can’t trust dudes with them goatees.
Gets me every time.
Is this aforementioned helmet article applicable to cars for HPDE? I need a helmet soon.
Random thought I had while reading this week’s letters: I’d like to see some follow up from some of these people, say, a few months after trying out your advice.
Random thought I had while reading this week’s letters: I’d like to see some follow up from some of these people, say, a few months after trying out your advice.
Austin, holler!!!
The thing that ties you and I together.
I think I pwnd you on CoD last night, noob. or maybe it was Xxbigdaddyballs420xX
Grunt are fine. Quick, controlled exhales are fine. Fucking shouting like you had a surprise prostate exam performed by Hagrid is not. Thank you for that distinction, Stephanie.
They added entrance exams?? Things have changed since I graduated, guess they’re really shooting for that Tier 1 status.