This sounds like what the American version of The Office could have been.
This sounds like what the American version of The Office could have been.
dammit forgot I was off mute on this conference call and laughed on the unexpected entry. Good stuff, but dammit.
Did the same in college with some friends at a Home Depot overflow parking lot.
You sound exactly like my autobody shop teacher from high school. We all believed he sniffed too much paint in the paintbooth and it had an adverse effect on his mind.
Looks like a corgi to me.
It's a touchy subject for you, I get it. Still, reread it from a perspective that isn't yours, and you'll see it's not as serious a comment as you're making it out to be.
Sounds like when I interviewed at Goldman-Sachs in Salt Lake City.
stahp. You're ruining my snark with your... feelings.
You get a star because FFXI. Also, lol.
One person even threatened to kill himself if Sony didn't fix PSN, Dan says. "We had to escalate that to the [Sony Computer Entertainment] department. I don't know what they did with it. We do take things like that seriously."
Just trying to play some Destiny, NBA2K, something!
I got time off to play PlayStation (since I probably don't have a girlfriend as of yesterday).
I'm 90% sure I'm the only one still listening to that album. Thank you for this
1989 by Taylor Swift
Dammit I finally just quit this game after playing since beta. FML.
Those are all VN, right? I watched the steins;gate anime, but are the VN available on an English gaming platform? Changing your locale on PC doesn't count for me - I'd wanna run it natively..
Not afraid to admit I watched the first two. We were all younger. We didn't know.
Very nice. Yeah, I usually tell my friends that I recommend it to that if they don't really get geek/internet pop culture, they may not find steins;gate as funny. The references to John Titor, 4chan, etc. all made the anime much more personal to me and I think that's why I connected with it so much.