I don't even watch anime much anymore, but gotdamn, Steins;gate was really good. Might even have to get this even though it's for PS3 - I've heard the visual novel's as good (or some say even better) than the anime.
I don't even watch anime much anymore, but gotdamn, Steins;gate was really good. Might even have to get this even though it's for PS3 - I've heard the visual novel's as good (or some say even better) than the anime.
In other words, all that old raid gear that players had been collecting and leveling was suddenly rendered obsolete. This was a painful realization for many Destiny addicts, myself included. I had spent the past few months grinding through the Vault of Glass every week in an attempt to hit 30, yet suddenly, that gear…
Literally my first thought while reading this. "Uh... didn't... hm."
I used to do something similar. It's interesting, but a lot of times I would end up letting them know it was my car and they'd seem almost betrayed, as if they were ashamed for telling me how they truly felt about the car.
As bad as it sounds, there's this innate need to piss off the girlfriend/wife. It's just, like, built into the nature of the man, I suppose.
There are people that won't give their wheel specs for that very reason.
Yours is only for Sunday?
You're a BRZ owner?
I thought it was too much bitching, but the use of 'rotten roast beef cooter' was close enough to meat curtains that it changed my mind.
At the Austin C&C, they had an entire group of them. With t-shirts asking them to ask them about their car. They were literally trying to sell Teslas without being employees of Tesla.
>"Sweet Ride"
Let me introduce the "Relic weapon" from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Gengar to replace Jigglypuff. I'd pay $7.
RE: Luxury item, that was literally my last statement, so no need to rehash.
When you purposely buy a limited quantity item with no intention of using it, only to resell it later for a higher price due to the limited quantity available (because people like you - though not you specifically, have depleted the publicly available stock), there really is no other choice than to buy at the asking…
I had completely forgotten about this series until now.
Bu-b...but, I can't consent when I'm intoxicated.
Unless you're one of the few that is content with driving fast without actually going fast, do this.
It's not fixed. It fluctuates based on how many people are requesting rides and other pieces of an algorithm.
For once, the MTV one. Too hilarious.