Ben Edelman sounds like a white person.
Ben Edelman sounds like a white person.
I'm not surprised. Sony released a limited edition white-colored version of their GOLD headset. Since I got the white PS4, I decided I wanted this special edition headset.
+1 for Shaolin Soccer. Next thing you know, you'll be saying how you loved Volcano High.
I think you're misunderstanding.
oh my god you worked in Lubbock Texas, didn't you??
It amazes me that people use the "BOOM, HEADSHOT" without having any clue what Pure Pwnage is.
I'm hoping to use some of this info to try and change things internally. I'm fully aware of my bitching, but it's like the only sentences I can form 8 out of every 10 times are complaints.
I came here to learn how people deal with me, to be quite honest.
Don't tell these mainlanders about the soup.
This was a really long and well thought out response to just say break up with her.
It's okay, Drew is a white name.
As many creative people are wont to do. But I guess your uncreative mind wouldn't understand.
I had no idea who Pewdiepie was until this article, so thanks. Maybe now I'll be able to understand the episode.
Momma says alligators are so ornery because
My running joke to incoming freshmen and lower class people was "you will consider switching to another major at least once a semester. It's completely normal."
Wow, whoever submitted this, I was just like you! Top 10% throughout high school while working 3 jobs and an internship (and a bunch of other childhood hoodrat activities in between). Got to college (first in my family), started my engineering degree, and started the next 2 years of almost dropping out or switching to…
That's what makes them so appealing! thanks though... I have a feeling I'll need it for the amount of money I (don't) have.
The white ones are selling for like $200+ on eBay. They're also the one I'm trying to find to go with my white PS4 :'(
I've recently realized that my Response Requested - abbreviated to RESP. REQ., may come off as "RESPONSE REQUIRED," which is probably why I'm paranoid everyone hates my emails.