
No deals on the Playstation4 Gold headset anymore?? I missed out on the Target $39.99 sale! :(

It's showing up as $440 on Amazon.

It's showing up as $440 on Amazon.

True, and I think my biggest decline in gaming came from having most all my "real life" friends dropping online play. I lasted doing PUGs for a while, but after a while it's just so unfulfilling working so hard, only to lose to 3 guys in a clan because they have some teamwork.

I meant more of the effort involved to "play together" back in the day; where you had to a router/switch, some buddies in a garage or shed, then you just go HAM on some Mt. Dew, pizza of choice, and find different game modes and rules to have a blast all night. This was like 5-10 people tops.

It's so... strange to me that many people getting into FPS games now may never know the "intimacy" of LAN parties and simplistic maps like the article states. Back in college (although that really wasn't too long ago), getting our ACM chapter together for some Facing Worlds was one of the best memories of my long

Being laid off is like being being dumped by someone you've been dating and having them say "it's not you, it's me." Trust me, being a computer geek and working in the gaming industry for more than a decade, I'm familiar with both.


FML I just want a molten corgi.

Question: Could I have a friend use their Scroll of Resurrection on me so I can get the molten corgi? That's all I want. Idk why. I don't plan on playing again for long.

This is great and I would gladly use this as a wallpaper.

I now regret flipping the PS4 I had in my possession yesterday... but the sushi I bought with the cash was so good.

Whelp I'm boutta go round me up some rattlesnakes boy I tell you hwat.

Those last few seconds of just pure yelling and taunting are exactly what kept my college buddies and I together throughout our 5 years at school. This game is life-defining for me.

That's a fuckin power move answer right there, boy I tell you hwat.

I've used Walmart parking lots. They usually don't mind.

Yup! Plus, being yourself puts you in a position of confidence - it's somewhere familiar to you. People find confidence attractive in a partner (note: confidence, not cockiness).

Ah. That is where you start asking for feedback. It's a bit unorthodox, but you'd be surprised (or maybe not) how willing people are to tell you why you suck. Yes, yes, introspection and reflection are a hard learned and somewhat rare trait, but it is trainable!

The advice I've learned through my adventure from "that guy that writes a lot of emo shit and is always angry" to "dating a girl that 'friend-zoned' him for 2 years" is the most cliche garbage on the outside, but let me explain:

ehhh when I used to code, I remembered the nights I was there late or at home staring at that damn IDE, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

The way that interaction went, it felt more like how I have to talk to my puppy - a lot of patience, and then just passive aggressive submission.