
Guess you're gonna be one of the first to go when it revolts.

I understand a few seconds, hell, even maybe a couple dozen or so, but minutes just gives the impression of someone trying to hard. But thumbs up, you know what works for you!

Minutes?? Geeeeze it must be awkward with you at dealerships or during end-of-year reviews.

Color me surprised. Can't remember the last No I've seen!

The Knicks are one of the only NBA teams that can basically guarantee a laugh out of me every game I watch.

Idk I feel if you have money to buy an Xbox One, a Live subscription, and a new video game, you can find the money to get something that would be pretty beneficial to your quality of life overall.

lol'd at the Kobe thing. When I used to play Halo 3, any good stick was met with a "HAND DOWN, MAN DOWN"

People only talk to my corgi when I take him out. I'm just the thing that holds the leash.



[Remembers all the times opposing faction on WoW camped and raided lower level areas]

Y'all can't fuck with Wylie ISD down in the hoodburbs of Abilene, TX.

I now want this as a tattoo. And I don't even have any tattoos.

Who are you to tell me what kind of beer to enjoy keep your male white prviliege to yourself tyvm.

I've thoroughly enjoyed Walter's past few books. Getting to see a bit of how he works is interesting; mainly the extrovert that likes to work late night parts. That's odd to me for some reason. a dog. ( Call Of Duty: Ghosts.)

My first time going to an F1 race. I had tickets for Saturday and to meet the drivers but I didn't go (boo), but Sunday's race was awesome! The Kid Rock concert was, somehow, not terrible. And, I'd upload a photo if I knew how, but I'm ~75% sure some of the drivers were rockin' out next to me. I think they're now Kid

I'd laugh my ass off and probably watch golf more often if fights were a thing. I think Mcleroy(sp?) or Woods probably fight as well as Kobe "TakeItToTheFace" Bryant.

"One night, I'm out getting gas, and after I leave I pull up to a red light behind a beater car and we are both turning right onto a two-lane highway. We both make the right, his car doesn't go very fast so I head for the left lane. He blocks me. I head for the right lane. He immediately kills his signal and cuts me

IIRC, that P1 guy lives in Austin and parks that thing in open parking lots. Just... chillin there. In a lot. It's crazy to my mind.