He feasts on Lolisouls. His little lollipops.
Some black folk have the same thing. (ex. - Usher).
[barks uncontrollably]
This oddly makes sense; I ain't even mad.
Probably because he looks like his face hasn't aged since he was 14.
Someone at my office has that sticker and I really don't know how it makes me feel.
A+ for Kobe .gif
Pretty sure I just realized why Pacquiao is joining the Philippine basketball league.
Goats and babies? I'm down for that.
I play Goat Sim, does that count??
If I was playing a game on my PC, it was going to be an FPS, like God intended. </s>
"Really, [...] sims have a hard time being happy or healthy."
I just moved back to Austin this year. What can I do at this and how many umbrellas should I bring?
Photos are now integrated better with iCloud so all the edits you make are synced across devices. This also means all your photos are stored in iCloud so they're easy to find. The Photos apps gets an overhaul too, including new ways to edit photos, search for photos, and more.
5th grade; Abilene, Texas; 2000.
[Steve Carell_The Office 'Nooooo'.gif]
That last line... ugh. I don't enjoy a lot of MMO end-game content now because of that.
fuck the weather here right now i swear if it rains tonight i'm going to burn it all down. in the rain.