>relationship has it's ups and downs
>come to a head
>in the finale
>relationship has it's ups and downs
>come to a head
>in the finale
If that's the m7700 model that used Nvidia 6800-series cards, then it was completely Nvidia's fault. Alienware was... decent in replacing my graphics card - 11 times. And the motherboard twice. But they couldn't even be bothered to just GIVE ME A NEW LAPTOP SINCE THE MODEL THEY SOLD HAD A TERRIBLE PRODUCT LINE.
I wish I could multi-reply, but when people say "game developers should...", please remember that it is often not the developers that make these decisions. Especially in larger development firms like EA, these decisions are often doled down via management and the developers are left to do the best they can. I'm sure…
Such a fitting screen name. Yet, I agree so strongly. Please import more of your wisdom upon us, oh Dick_Socrates.
That's sort of where this argument breaks down—a parent's prerogative to commemorate whomever or whatever has been important to their lives, and the ideal of a child growing up un-picked upon. This isn't a modern phenomenon, either, where a couple meets in Conversational Klingon 101 at the community college and then…
I used to have a fat Husky that did the same shit.
What's some examples of said offensive material? I see their comics often, but I can't say I've ever actually visited their site or read more than a couple in succession.
Suddenly all those old kung-fu flicks that show a grandmaster teaching a young padawan to "focus" actually have merit to me.
ugh, Kinja. That was supposed to be focused on the suit and hat!
I'm pretty casual and XIV's been great to me so far. I'd recommend.
It's a process to get used to. Ask any single mother in Jersey that works 2-3 jobs what their sleep schedule is like and the process that got them to adapt to it :p
"Coors Light"
I can dream too, but then this site probably wouldn't exist because its parent site Gawker makes a killing off of that type of journalism.
Cars don't.
If one doesn't do it, the other will. This gives the other network a "competitive advantage" because when those stories/pieces are right, that network will have the bragging rights to say they reported it first. The easiest solution to this would be regulations on reporting, but I mean, really, the sound of…
He's also a douchenozzle known for debauchery, pompousness, and other general teenage traits. Besides the fact that he may have worked hard to get his start in show business, there is no real reason to "respect" him much in the same way that Chris Brown works hard, yet has no other real "respectable" qualities about…
Believed to have died on impact. High-end carbon fiber cars aren't necessarily made with crumple zones, and with the engine not being in the front, head on collisions become magnitudes more deadly. That, plus the fact that things like side curtain airbags and whatnot are often not included makes any sort of accident…
goddamn corner fadeaway three.
From my experience with owners of these cars, they couldn't tell you either.