The angry, judgmental comments on this thread are upsetting. But I think there's something interesting if you read them a little deeper.
The angry, judgmental comments on this thread are upsetting. But I think there's something interesting if you read them a little deeper.
Hah! I was thinking of the FGM thing. But I was actually thinking of it in agreement with you. I think of response to partriarchy the same way I think if what we learn about human evolution in Bio101: evolution doesn't work toward anything. It anot looking toward some kind of endgame or creating the perfect species.…
Janelle is amazing. Electric Lady touches my soul.
I'm gonna cheer you up with a filthy one night story!
Tom Hanks is a national treasure indeed. I mean, Satan would like Tom Hanks!
In Rwanda, Hutus and Tutsis were segregated through government policies and put into different racial categories because of Belgian colonialism. They had never had problems with each other before then. Thanks colonialism!
Thank you for making this article gender neutral.
Dude, that's what soft squishy armchairs are FOR. You stand on your head on the cushion, let the back of it support your legs because you're 6 and you have no idea how to balance in a real headstand, and then you somersault forward off the chair and onto a pile of your sister's stuffed animals. Shriek with undiluted…
Why would a mere Captain of the Guard have a jewel encrusted sword? Come on. I'll believe the impossible, but not the improbable. In short, you are DESTROYING MY BONER with you historical inaccuracy. GAAAAAWD!!!!!
Some of my best breads are Jewish!
but how do we sleep while our beds are burning?
I hear ya. After mucking through all his layers of racist and misogynistic offensiveness, I thought I'd seen it all but, boy, was I wrong. I wasn't quite prepared for this degree of sweeping hatefulness. This guy wouldn't even be tolerable as a neighbour of passing acquaintance. :=/
I have to share this somewhere. Today at 1:30p.m. I marked 9 days (i'm counting by the hour) without binging and purging, the longest I've gone without in five years. I've been bulimic/anorexic for over a decade and this past week has been me taking a stab at normal (I don't really know what normal is) and watching…
I'm going to chuckle about that for a minute...
He was too busy pulling his little weiner to care about the consequences of his actions.
Exactly, nothing too difficult or deep and a semester should do it. Just some basic stuff. God knows we make them take things that are far more unnecessary.
Sounds like you told the wrong person the wrong thing.
Little Witch Academia, an animated short released by Studio Trigger in April, was one of the year's most charming…
Never in my life have I had the occasion to rock back and forth and stare at my computer screen with adoration,…