Run, interrupted …
Run, interrupted …
This is what happens when you don't embrace debate…
Top ring rope homicide?
This is absolutely the worst upper decker I've ever head of…
Wow, what a piece of shit. It'll be interesting to see the video when it surfaces, there's got to be video, right?
As a victim of sexual abuse she's (hopefully) got a lot of therapy coming her way. Even if she has a small drop of guilt in her ocean of trauma, I'd hope that she'll get the right care and support to help her come to term with this horror. Seriously, fuck Mike Huckabee!
I guess it was only a matter of time before these athletes started pushing the legal boundaries to try to get an edge on the competition …
Then insert Chevy Chase’s Spies Like Us speech “the government …our government …and as far as I know that’s the way it will always be…”
And “ being that as it may, but I doubt if it were… “
Man, I love watching the tour, but those falls just make my skin hurt! I don't know how those guys get back on the bike after some of those crashes.
Is it possible that we’re just watching a chemically-enhanced Dong???
If this came to blows, I picture this fight looking like Jordan vs Reggie Miller.......
Man, you hit that one squarely on the nose. I can't tell you how many times I've asked that in the past year. It's got to stop!!!
This summer’s new jam “”What do the rocks say”.........
Once you’ve been married long enough your wife will put you on that list, iWatch or not.....
So true, sad what ESPN has become....
A reverse wave, a wave of disdain toward A-Rod......everyone will follow me b/c of my great wit and creativity and the will crown me king of the protest........
That was my initial thought too. If he was able to keep his bone in place....
this is what you get when you fuck with Skynet......
I’m pretty sure he was brought in as Skip Bayless’ replacement......