
my first thought was, maybe he had a stroke.......

you know, they say that over 50% of all statistics are made up on the spot.....

The way the laws are in Arizona, I'd say all it would take was him entering that state from any parts south.....

like sitting in the boat while it's still strapped on top of the car? I wouldn't put it past her!

lol! Thank you, I hate my autocorrect some times!!!!

I love my wife very much, but when she tells stories of how she rode crew in college this is totally what I picture.....

that was amazing, if only it was in English.........what? It was????? American, I mean American!!!!!!

Great, not I have "Tie a yellow ribbon" stuck in my head.......

we waste so much time listening to stupid shit like this. I have to admit that I always stop and laugh b/c she is dead serious, but what a waste of a perfectly good human doorstop or barricade. We could utilize her mass to prop open the door of a homeless shelter a few extra hours a day and then she would truly have a

and the middle finger to the cameraman wasn't noticed either, which is the only thing that could make it better....

I've always wondered why marathon runners don't have the same reputation as many other track athletes and pro cyclists. The benefits of doping with things like Rh-EPO would likely be the same kind of game-changer in marathoning as it was in the Grand Tour.

The craziest part for me was when he said it had to be a choice because the God he knows doesn't make mistakes. Whoa, now that's ugly.....

Gotta start the brainwashing early....

Btw, I think that this is the exact type of criminal we as a society need to exhaust this many resources to bring to justice. I mean, why waste money on people that embezzle millions of dollars or murderers when we can punish this behavior once and for all.......

I've seen 28 days later, those fuckers run too fast to quarantine anyway, you may as well tape your scissors to a baseball bat and prepare for shit to get real.....

the ankle bone's connected to the.......

Where are the jokes about Suggs snuffing out a Blount before returning to the sideline.......

Perfect! That is what popped into my mind immediately. Strong work

That's very kind of you. Thank you!

My mother-in-law is dying of a brain tumor and literally sleeps 22-23 hrs a day. I know there are different types, but the fact that this young lady was able to perform in a college-level athletic event is nothing short of remarkable