
Never tip the d-bag who reclines their airline seat into your lap!

I'm amazed this type of stuff doesn't happen more often. Man, the road is crowded during these races!

Probably still tastes better than powerade....

good stiff arm!

are you implying that this was intentional? My first thought was a horrible accident. What else do you know?

Pez, not PED amiright?

That was my thought too. Rape is a horrible trauma and people deal with the grief in the aftermath in very different ways(the spectrum of grief is not a continuum). This seems likely to me to create more "outliers" that don't come to terms with this horror in a "classic" fashion, thus less care and support etc etc

Ween her off the tit mom…time for her to woman up on D!

You seem to have a deeper knowledge of skiing competition than I do, so thanks for a different perspective than mine. I can understand how disappointed people that train for years for one day/one event and actually forgive most griping bc of this, but thanks for taking the emotion out of the picture and giving a nice,

That's well done guys. Kudos!

Lol, good info thanks for sharing!

I'm assuming if the Russian coaches helped him it would have resulted in a DQ… based upon my many years of observation of Winter Olympics????? Possibly?

Canadians… like us, only nicer!

She said she just got in from Brazil, maybe she's still chafed from her Brazillian…

Fun fact, Doug Gottleib is actually make the same gesture under the broadcasters table… talk about coincidence!

And not just a children's book, but a "Christian" children's book… I'm not religious but if I was hypocrites like that would make me bat shit crazy

Who's down with KGB…

I think that's what made him special. You could helicopter him in to a pile of shit and he would still turn in an amazing performance

I like to refer to it as crazy town. You're more correct than you know! Last time I was in Mass I went to newberry comics. Do you know if it's still open? That place was fantastic. Cheers!

Me too I loved the 5 yrs I lived down in the city(sushi delivery at 10 pm, great music and theater, etc) but I made the greatest mistake in my life and moved to Naperville… now that is one shitty suburb