
I... actually agree with a lot of this list, but mine would have Mark of the Ninja on it.

Oh, also,

My current GF had never been kissed before we got together, and had never had an orgasm. She didn't, for the first six months of our relationship, and I'll admit - I took it a bit to heart - though I tried not to let her know that. She felt like something was "wrong" with her that she wouldn't have orgasms, and I

My opinion is once you take something - regardless of how crappy it is - and then put it on Maggie Q, it becomes awesome through some sort of awesomeness contact osmosis.

So wait, XCOM: Enemy Unknown wasn't that game?

Vita advice: Muramasa Rebirth. Also,

When I was a kid, we were homeschooled and my parents had a lock on the TV cabinet. They were vehemently anti-anything that wasn't expressly educational, and no, they did not want us having an NES. My older brother and I each had an allowance of about $2.50 a week, and after months and months and months of us

Lately? The Last of Us in Winter. I will never forget those screams.

In the head? Yeahhh this thing stinks.

Totally awesome.

This was awesome. And she looked so much like Arya.

I thought Valhalla Knights 3 looked pretty cool - riiight up until I saw the trailer that heavily featured the red light district stuff.

Our evil camera is non-negotiable!

Yet another negative stereotype propagated by humanists pushing their anti-goatman agenda.

At least they're not rabbidz.

It's the only PS2 classic I've got off PSN. I'd kill to get this thing running on the Vita -but at least we've got Muramasa Rebirth - and it's amazing. Miles better than the Wii version - sharper graphics, consistent framerate, better localization, improved controls. It plays like a dream.

Aw. I liked Gun.

If you haven't tried it, check out Mark of the Ninja on steam. It is far and away the most accomplished, brilliantly-designed, highest-fun-factor game I've ever seen come out of the indie space.

Biggest Disappointment

Good list. I'd drop Ni no Kuni (tasted very plain to me) and Metro (Big Momma can suck it), and add a couple Vita games and Dead Island Riptide.