
Actually... The Last of Us. I know it's a super-drama, but its comedy really hit the mark, when it went in that direction.

Dude, you're out of your mind. It's gotta' be Ni no Kuni.

Yep, BioShock. Or possibly Hotline Miami's PS3/Vita port. Don't get me wrong, it's original and zany and fun and addictive and most of all lurid - but it's no 10/10.

State of Decay.

Gotta' go with Tomb Raider. I loved DmC's combat - and this is coming from someone who's played and beaten the crap out of every DMC since before every other designer started ripping it off - but Tomb Raider's comfy action, great presentation and seriously fun platforming mechanics (I found myself thinking "why can't

"Best" game, I'd have to go with Guacamelee.

I'm like eighty per cent done Ni No Kuni, but I just can't bring myself to go back to it.

DMC, definitely. Or Tomb Raider - who coulda' seen that coming?

I'd... have to agree with that, yeah - The Last of Us on top. It's just staggeringly accomplished in every way. I found Ni No Kuni a bit too... I don't know. It had a real vanilla taste to it, and I was expecting more surprises. Or at least, to be impressed more.

Princess Crown is the one Vanillaware game I've never laid hands on. Nice to see it getting some coverage - and a shame we'll never see the PSP port localized.

I'm a sucker for short haircuts on girls, so the Bayonetta 2 look is really workin' for me.

Funimation is bringin' it over? That's all I need to hear. I'll wait and not even pirate it.

I did hard mode for my first run-through - it felt correct.

Protip: First add molotov. It destroys a bloater's armor, making them far more susceptible to gun fire. And remember sneakin' - ***MINOR SPOILERS*** - unless you choose to fight them, you only need to take down two bloaters in the whole game.

Damned clickers!

Exactly. You don't see MS backpedalling and trying to tell us Titanfall will no longer work on the One because of these changes. Every awesome thing we want to have happen on the next gen could (and in many cases, will) happen.

Also, I kinda' stopped thinking Ellen Page looked like a fourteen year old girl riiight around that scene in Super. You know the one I'm talkin' about. That was hot, right up until Raine puked.

After actually playing the game, I'm prepared to say she looks very little like Ellen Page.


It went like this: