
For me, the really distressing thing is I thought the dickwolves comic was hilarious. I appreciate that rape is a sensitive topic - my mother, for example, was the subject of hideous abuses at the hands of her father and uncles, and how that shaped her played a large part in how she shaped me, and my relationships -

Same here, I liked it.

Ubi's SEs have always been terribly disappointing, to me.

Yeah, the idea that this somehow killed some of the One's functionality or potential is... well, silly.

In a post-apocalyptic world, a shotgun is everyone's best friend. Well, that and a foul-mouthed little girl.

I managed it on hard without using hardly any of my ammo or supplies beyond one bomb and one molotov (I kept thinkin' I'd really need the ****SPOILERS**** flamethrower for somethin') - but the game hasn't been as punishing as I'd feared on survivor so far.

I'm actually really enjoying this... but it's re-hyped me for the game so much I'm just going to go continue my Survivor difficulty run. Just got to Bill's town!'re kidding, right? People on the internet have "spoken out" about everything that's ever happened in the world and nobody ever listens or changes anything they intended on doing, least of all Microsoft.

The Xbox One-Eighty.

(Hugs knees and rocks back and forth.)

Cerny brought Knack to the only national TV coverage the PS4's likely to get outside of paid ads?

(Sigh.) That sucks. I'm sorry anyone had to put up with that.

I'm going to go with "Steam was a solution to problems that gamers had," (wildly different DRM solutions from each publisher, varying and complicated routs to gain access to official patches and apply them) "while the Xbox One's 24-hour requirement and disc-based DRM is entirely designed to assist Microsoft, as

This is true, but I'm entirely on the side that feels it's a concession made in favor of the game as a whole. Most of the time, she does a good job of it - if she's behind cover and an enemy moves to where they'd see her, she'll move back around out of their line-of-sight.

Yep. Kamiya even tweeted to folks asking for it on the PS3 "you might as well ask for Zelda."

Microsoft needs to fess up, admit that the 24-hour requirement essentially treats their consumers like pirates until proven innocent to their satisfaction on a schedule they set (which is disgusting), and then remove that requirement.

Oh good. I'd heard weird things about them mucking with the sense of movement in it.

God, it was so hot when the camera panned away and that urn started rockin' on the end table. Mm!

Only one analog stick? (Shrugs.) Okay.

That is... the same license deal as the PS3. Two licenses for a single digital game can be active and playable at any one time - except with PS3, it doesn't matter whose console they're on and the only time you have to sign in to authorize it is when you install the game the first time. You can then, at any time,