
No one is duck hunting in Happy Valley, Oregon.

Maybe he should trihard to not be such an absolute piece of shit.

Breaking News, Gamers are living garbage fires of toxic masculinity.  We’ll have more at 11 as the story develops.

Streaming just dance is a thing?  God, I’m so fucking old.

Billy Kaplan and Teddy Altman for me.  Love Wiccan and Hulkling so much.

Venom opens in 2 months.  How are they still casting roles in it?

White streamer boy who’s used the -word on stream before also won’t stream with women?  GOSH I AM SHOCKED BY THIS TRULY SHOCKING REVELATION THAT HE’S MAYBE A TERRIBLE PERSON.

Because disabilities have been eradicated, duh.

I mean, if you gleefully pose for photos with brutal dictators you deserve to be called a goat fucker, because you are a fucking goat fucker, Mesut.

Are you sure you aren’t James Whitlock?  Cause he’d probably have been about as accurate in his reporting as you were.

What are you doing using Tumblr for anything other than porn in 2018?

So he was high as a fucking kite.  Got it.

A “fantastic” homophobic mother.

It’s not russia, you feckless cunt, it’s FIFA.

The El Tri fans also used maricon in their post match celebratory march. So, they get no benefit of the doubt when it comes to their level of dumpster bitch.

“relatively harmless chant”

No. Next question.

The listening appears to be borked.

The listening appears to be borked.

A video of the Leroux-Dwyer family that doesn’t involve one of them diving? A true rarity.

Bought one a couple weeks ago when they were deeply discounted. Love it.

Bought one a couple weeks ago when they were deeply discounted. Love it.