A show hasn't penised the table this hard since....
A show hasn't penised the table this hard since....
Your bitterness is showing.
No PRO for Arlene stabbing Noel from Felicity in the neck? Followed by her "I will blow your fucking brains out"?
Yeah, she's pretty clearly saying "I gotta take my tape off"
Ok, I'm still confused. Is he suggesting then that the American girls performed anilingus on the russian girls?
USA t-punched Russia's B-hole in gymnastics
Ooooh, you dumb like hell.
It was not his private personal email address. it was his easily found, corporate email address. And it was tweeted to people urging them to contact the executive about something related to his job
I think they look like Cerberus operatives from Mass Effect
While I don't love spoilers. I do like the one where they revealed this movie was going to be terrible.
ANd if you're gonna make the reboot, WHY MAKE IT PG-13?
SHOOTING. Too soon.
As tone deaf and in denial as the Paternos are I suspect a couple of them will show up during the audition episodes of the next season of American Idol.
Listen honey, the NCAA exists to do whatever the fuck the NCAA deems it exists to do. Most days that is exploiting teenagers who can run fast and jump high, in this instance it was punishing an organization that helped protect a known sexual predator for the exact reasons you are so upset at the NCAA for punishing…
So, Gay Vampire American, The Reverend Steve Newlin is supposed to be a series regular this season, where he be? I'm getting sick of episodes that he's not in.
Take everything away. Let JoePa have died with 0 wins.
Way to go out of your way to try and excuse the homophobe.
The would moved also. She got shot more toward her side, but when they cut back to her on her knees as she fell it was in the middle of her stomach.
in the "Inside HBO" vignette after the episode the actress talked about it for a few seconds and the impression I got was that we haven't seen the last of Luna.