nah, im on a fucking crusade on getting this fucking pseudo-journalist fired, watch all his artciles, they're always dissing Nintendo, and im don with this fucking guy, FUCK YOU LUKE
nah, im on a fucking crusade on getting this fucking pseudo-journalist fired, watch all his artciles, they're always dissing Nintendo, and im don with this fucking guy, FUCK YOU LUKE
the time is too stressfull, FUCKING CASUAL, fuck you luke
Now wait a second. Saying that this is a Good Tomb Raider movie might suggest that previous Tomb Raider films were bad. And that first one with Angelina Jolie was not bad. I liked it.
Welcome to Kotaku. You must be new here.
What is this? It's not as if it's news or informative, just your friends-promotion. The headline and body make it seem as if some new development has occurred, when it's just an in-house video.
There. Happy?
Lets switch the genders of this commercial for a second. Every feminist known to man would scream bloody Mary.
I just have to, regardless of the actual subject
So Battlefield AND Call of Duty got "Not Yets" (maybe yeses, haven't gone back to check) for doing EVERYTHING the same but Shadow Fall gets a No.
I don't think ANYONE has ever described it as original, creative, amazing etc.
what's a Wii U?
Oh yeah, remember Babar?
I love every bit of that brutality. That's how I imagine Pokemon Battle to be if it was real (with more blood).
Digimon had the better anime.
My guess was the next step would be for Pokemon trainers to morph into actual humanlike Pokemon.....but wait.....
My heart skipped a beat when I read the bold part. Then I read the rest of it and sighed.
Good God. Someone make the F2P epidemic stop. PLEASE?!
Only interesting thing that I've seen for the U as of yet.
OK, I laughed pretty hard at the Nintendo gag. :D