
Now proceed to complain about PS4 blue light, dear Xbots. Come on, I dare you.

The card I want is in a deck which only has cards I already have. I guess I just buy the single card. It's a legend that transforms all artifacts into creature artifacts, which is a mana ability without tapping. Basically, I turn all permanents into artifacts with one card, destroy all lands by doing this, then

Oh... yeah.

See? It IS better than Xbox after all.

Or PS4 hate, on whatever game site you are.

Now that's disappointing. But okay, I guess #1 is incredibly hard to photoshop... *cough* I guess whatever is an overused meme from 4chan, stolen from reddit, stolen from 9gag auto wins.
Also, VHS Player One fans implying that the PS4 looks more like a brick than their VHS Player One. Yeah I'm disappointed, but got

"Why don't you die under a tree"

3 - Actually yes, because you most certainly have more knowledge than me, because you were able to get that PhD. I merely got a game design bachelor's degree which is worth s**t.

Some of those games arent exclusive. Also: WiiU has 12 games? And if yes, they are "best"?

Face recognition in a friggin FLOOD of annoying Let's Players who all have a goatee and look like a week without a shower.

I love how nothing but the Xbox hype is shown. Either the PS4 fans are too lazy for that childish bs, or certain websides love to make one-sided articles.

I guess Id Software is

Naughty Dog, you know what to do...

Another random Youtuber showing his stupid face in the preview image, that's original.

True, I should get Minecraft and build the Statue of Liberty, or play Slender and scream like a bitch. But maybe that's below me.

I love when WiiU and XboxOne fans out themselves as underage weaboos: ">.<".
That makes me take you less serious. Poor guys who have to play CopypasteOfDuty with you, which your mom bought you. Funny how this gif implies everyone (even Nintendo PFFFFT!) bullies XboxOne, while nobody in Europe wants that stupid console.

It all gets a YES, Microsoft paid better.

Yeah true, I think they were Unlimited. Still, if you really wanna have it and pose, you could rather go with the 800 bucks version, since it doesn't have a symbol either, how I remember it.

I got a question, do I also get a Kotaku article for simply making a Compilation?!

The stupidity continues. What... this is not generic? Those are not simple contructed levels? This is not a game reduced to the basics of the genre? And this (also) gets a YES?