Funny how everyone mentions 2. Why did anyone even buy that rehash and doesn't mention the superior 1?
Funny how everyone mentions 2. Why did anyone even buy that rehash and doesn't mention the superior 1?
The "Miaow" by a dude put me in so much shame for Nintendo, I was about to throw my Laptop. Other than that, the game looks really fun. About time after Call of New Clone Bros 2819. Also, isometric platforming... uh oh...
I hate Fringe. The describtion shows how stupid and unoriginal that show is. It's basically Twilight Zone in stupid. "Hey guys we need a weird plot, an annoying comic relief who is like Monk and much fantasybabble which sounds ridiculous to normal people." It's pretty much LOST... except with a story.
This is clearly rape! Doesn't anybody seeee thiiis?! Why doesn't anybody respect womeeeeen baaaawwww...
Punching a dog. This is the most hilarious thing since Chris Redfield punching a boulder.
Of course I generalize with all the news of ... I dunno... school runnings (with weapons given to underage people), a random guy shot in a park just for fun, how about those stupid kids shooting each other or themselves via accident - parents of the year right? And Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Mom, filming your…
I was about to wonder the same but gun laws in Japan are weird. It´s incredibly hard to get one, and only the police is allowed to wear guns.
I can understand buying a WiiU for Smash Bros (like I did with my Gamecube), but for the colors is just hilarious.
I felt old when people don't know games, but their HD remakes. When they know reboots and praise them or hate them, while not knowing the source material (like not knowing who Khan was before Into Darkness). When they buy the 10th Pokemon game or the 20th Mario Bros game because once it got boring and repetative, the…
"As Redditor Krshaw18 points out while trying to be funny for the other underage redditors"...
Getting a WiiU for the colors.
What is a MewTwo? Sounds like a hipster brand.
Sherlock, where have you been all the time?
In mind, yes. I´m 27 and thing you´re pathetic and childish for still playing Pokemon. Next you´re tell me you´re a brony and the beta circle is complete.
No its not all about the leveldesign, try to understand the video again. It actually has a million topics. Besides, this is in my opinion probably the best video ever done by an internet celebrity and I´ve watched it over and over again and still do.
Can I trust Nintendo on this review? Usually they like EVERYTHING! And I mean EVERYTHING! It might be a bonfire simulator with a creeper and PleaseDiePies face slapped on a box and it would get a Yes. So, what makes this game so disapproving compared to... say... ugly Kirby speed drawings or Memes from 2007?
Go away, you´re too young to play the launch titles.
Typical BILD, they break everything that's good. Like... actual events.
Some kind of filler.
would be CG nowadays because of Peta, and the mother would be replaced by a man because of feminists.