
well hopefully godzilla increased in size, since according to size charts the jaegers are MUCH larger than him.

YAY there are memes from 2007 in this game, this makes a change for the better! how about making a game thats just memes with interaction, like Borderlands 2 and Guachamelee. wohooo I´m hyped, can't wait for the final boss: "Le Troll" ahahahah XD XD XD oh wait I´m actually too old for memes and this game.

"yeeeah there are skin color variations which really makes a change gameplay-wise" here we go again... making games a political discussion ALL the time.

sorry all I read is "this is a 4 panel comic about le me le arguing with le kotaku user and le derpina is also in the background lololol XD oh yeah if you know what i mean jpg".

my opinion didn't change. one time is okay. but it seemed they planned to make every following zelda in that style.

If I´m arguing with 9*ags right now, I won before even posting. le internet cancer. but yeah that explains much about the minecraft target audience. underage ADHD casual gamers with poor sense of humor.

get a room you two, don't forget to use protection since this guy obviously has some experience when it comes to rodents in buttholes.

this is the most idiotic insult I´ve ever seen a hipster write and the lack of mods here amazes me.

New Super Mario Bros.... classic?! Really? *sigh*

The first console I owned was SNES, that doesn't mean I didn't play before. I actually started with Gorillas for DOS.

If I don't know what exactly the character is and what I'm doing and what I have to achieve, I have not much motivation to play. Shadow of the Colossus and Journey for example, even if it doesn't seem like it, somehow explain those things to you to you without simply telling you. What makes it great is how those games

The country that brought us Toddlers & Tiaras, F-word in each sentence, Miley Cyrus and all those semi-pornographic TV shows which act as if they had a story keeps censoring sexual stuff (especially when its not from their own country). It's so stupid.

my issue is the lack of objectives. nobody was ever able to tell me why I should proceed playing that game.

No I´m a gamer since the SNES release and I just can't believe the hype. The game is ugly, imo it's can't be called an art direction - then you could call everything an art direction and nobody would even try anymore. The game is boring as hell and it's basically a level editor without a goal. It's pretty much Second

It's stupid to give away Pokemon X at a store early.

He´s grown out of it or something, which shouldn't be something to admit when working in the games industry.

very good. I hope they start actally killing each other like in the manga.

"I don´t get it" "Because it's not a game. Basement dwellers pretend it's a game because their life is even more boring in comparison, and because building the Voyager easily gets them praise by online newsletters."

Someone should rename this into "Cheat Device". Glad that WiiU has no Trophies.

"worst" and "sonic" in one article, why doesn't that surprise me...