
this is friggin GOLD!

could be worse.

And nothing of value was lost.

The parents are friggin idiots, and it proves everything about my prejudice that most mature game players and the people commenting mature game videos on youtube are underage.

The reason Uncharted is so great is that it starts with a tutorial that might be slow (hell, nobody complaints when a game starts with a stupid tutorial which has "tutorial" headlined all the time and people telling you what buttons to press all the time), but then gets better and better, even epic at times. What

"Those who have heard how awesome Half-Life is, but could never get into the original due to its... antiquity." That blasphemy describes most gamers nowadays who are easily impressed by newly released games and their often rehashed 90s features...

Soul Eater was pretty good paced, too. Actually, what ruins stuff like DBZ, Bleach and Naruto are the terrible fillers (and in DBZs case, people fighting for 100 episodes, doing just 1 attack in each or just charging it, while randomly showing how Roshi or that fat cat have breakfast or some crap).

Thing that annoys me the most is that I´m stuck getting the last trophy because everything happening in time attack hard is basically randomized. The colossi patterns and AI often do stupid things. Sometimes Wander can walk on a surface, the next time he can't - he falls more often than a friggin girl in Friday the

Did that tamer just activate a matrix evolution?

Now playing

this is the exact reason I love water stages.I find deep water always very atmospheric and scary at times. lagiacrus really scared me when I first encountered him since he´s overpowering you at first. the problem is though, that its pretty bright even at night.

I stopped after 8 hours or so because I was already bored, frustrated that you can´t simply kill anybody to join the Brotherhood, that the game leaves nothing to your imagination because you cut everyone's head off and nothing in this game was as charming and fascinating as Oblivion. And everything is grey and brown,

in my opinion, GTA4 (and not 5) is highly overrated and not as exciting as it seems. and to me, GTA5 is just "another" GTA 4 or San Andreas (my fav was Vice City which I barely played - I started with GTA 2 which I had much fun with). its great how they basically define sandbox games and yes, it's impressive. but my

SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS (yeah edgy, right)

I know several players who think that and it´s just stupid to quit the game after the first friggin climbing scenes! STUPID I say! The game is awesome but you´ll never experience those awesome moments because of your ignorance.

its so amazing. I got my SNES basically next to me and it felt like yesterday when I was a kid playing on it during summer vacations. and look where we are now. those graphics, portable. its sick. imagine what games will look like in 20 years.

I found it actually more interesting without the dark and light suit, but I just don´t like the design. the enemies are okay (but very annoying), but the dark world itself... meh.

next, what is it with the fear of getting raped whereever you go? now that's paranoid and also disrespectful and prejudice against the other workers being there who probably don't intent to do that - if no other woman works there so it's isolated, thats what logically happens (same with the meetings)! its like you

you mustn't discriminate any female designer in the games industry (unless she made assassins creed 1)!

metroid fusion is really awesome, yes.can hardly decide between super metroid and fusion. zero mission is great, too.
favorite 3D one is prime 1, then prime 3 and then prime 2 because the dark world kinda annoyed me.