

Naw, I don’t see the NRA condoning this in any form.

Are you fucking serious? How is this the NRA’s fault?

Even more impressive with that you drive it there & back. Are there many modifications to the suspension/brakes/chassis?

I doff my cap to you, good sir!

I’ve been doing my part, hammering on the RallyMetro relentlessly. That thing has no business being that fun to drive with 58 hp and front wheel drive, but it is one tail-happy SOB. I may be the slowest car out there ... by a lot! .... but you cannot wipe the smile from my face after each run. This weekend, I’m


Understand your point, but I think this is more of “why do we even have these vehicles to begin with?”

Manning released over 700,000 documents. She wouldn’t even have had time to read the titles, much less review the contents. Calling her a whistleblower is disingenuous at best. Whistleblowers have specific knowledge of crimes committed and are attempting to see those crimes brought to justice. There were no crimes

I’m going to preface this by saying that rescinding Manning’s visiting fellowship was a cowardly move on the part of Harvard; if they’d had misgivings about her previous actions or her place in the national discourse, they would’ve done better to never extend the invitation in the first place than to offer it and then

Go back to theroot please.

I hear they also use Comcast and Google. You should associate those things with racist Trump supporters, too.

The hinged windshield could be great for those rugged excursions to soccer practice. Tilt it forward for an unobstructed view of Madison and Jacob out there on the field as you sit in car and sip your latte, avoiding that other mom who is constantly on your ass because you bought non-organic postgame treats when it

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

It’s because of the exhaust note that makes it so great.

Username checks out.

Neutral: Isn’t it already, sorta Italian? I’m not a Jeep buyer, but being owned by a Chinese company would not affect my want for one if I was. I know it will affect some people, but I believe thats the minority.

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

And yet, here you are, not caring so much you had to comment.