
You can thank a skittish and inattentive public for the lack of a permanent disposal site for the spent fuel- debates over construction and funding for decades have made that problem what it is. Nuclear energy is orders of magnitude safer and less destructive to the environment than coal.

Basket case Triumph projects are almost exclusively the domain of middle aged whimsical self-proclaimed handymen whose last project was a flowerbed border that has nails sticking out and still needs to be stained.

I’d be willing to give it a go for a few hours before deciding that flashing lights are no good. This technology is breaking new ground in a lot of different areas and I’m sure they’re arguing heavily back and forth on the human/autopilot interface choices internally

That’s fascinating. In what capacity were you out there testing it? How far along were they four years ago vs now?

Hence the word “equivalent”

Rudder action a little delayed. He went the pilot equivalent of hand over hand instead of keeping it at 9 and 3. Tsk tsk.

“Yeah I think we went to the wrong uni-*BURP*-universe Morty. Skoda is good, Morty. Do you-do you know how fucked up things have to be for Skoda to be the fucking quality bar, Morty?!”

Here’s a quirk. It isn’t the best car for every use case. In the same way that a Miata isn’t the best car for you if you live 15 miles down a rutted dirt road in Vermont.

No one that makes these arguments understands this. It’s as if the efficiency of millions of small internal combustion engines has to be exactly the same as large scale powerplants in their minds. Efficiencies of scale are never considered when they start typing “BUT WHERE DOES THE ELECTRICITY COME FROM U GREEN

If only we could teleport missiles outside the aircraft skin. Since we can’t guess stealth is useless!

I laughed way too hard at all this.

That bumper looks like a slightly different shade. IE, the owner has replaced it already, and then gone and backed into something again. I’m gonna call that one “your own damn fault”

Meant to respond to another post on mobile, so take it as “Adding information” please

And yet there is not a single mass murder committed by a legal owner of automatic weaponry. The vetting process is extensive and the monetary costs are high.

The chassis has a bunch of stiffening plates welded in, but other than that, no real suspension modifications. Big block leaf springs, a skid plate, and a box full of extra tie rod ends and other components in the backseat are what’s gotten me through so far.

The pictures of that rallycross ‘Vette were a recent discovery for me. Friends!

When I drive around town, it comes out of the speakers even with the radio turned off

3 hours up, race, 3 hours home. Thanks for the love!

Good thing you’re working on a merger proposal with Taco Bell as we speak

Different motor, makes power in a different way. Not that I don’t think HD’s mechanical bits could use a serious modern makeover, but they’re aiming for a different end goal. Think Ford V8 vs 9000RPM S2000 motor.