Leo and Dakota Johnson? Nah. I'm sorry, but just nah.
Leo and Dakota Johnson? Nah. I'm sorry, but just nah.
*Hear not here (sorry)
... And this! Oh my gosh, bless your heart. Lots of love to you. I always make a point of telling the bride they look lovely, it's practically manners!
Whaaaaaat?! You need to win just for having her as your MIL. Horrific. How do you even rectify that?
*Aqsa, not Asquad. And the girls weren't in communication with her, one girl had tried to contact Aqsa Mahmood's Twitter account which had been inactive for some time and it is not believed that there was any response.
Kittens, Nutella and emojis?
I don't agree that FB is the death of relationships. It is for people who feel the need to show off every detail of their lives and have all of all their conversations publicly. But otherwise, it's fine.
'Well, I do this thing where I complete my education at a glacial pace'
I've not started reading yet, but I'm scared you're going to ruin those delicious looking scallops. Please don't :(
I really just... Don't like her. Ever since a commenter on Jez (I don't remember who you were, I'm sorry) said that they went to boarding school with her and she was absolutely awful. Really no interest in seeing this movie - not that I've read the books anyway. Seems like the whole film completely lacks charisma...…
Bit? Stung.
From the side bar, it looks as though NFather is narcissistic father and EMother is enabler Mother.
Aghhhhhhh!!!! Heart explosion. What an absolute cutie! Just wonderful.
Completely agree, that episode was hilarious (genuinely wanted Noel and Iggy to have a spin off). Reckon the 50+ stars/favourites for that comments were from people who want any reason to hate her, justified or not. I'm not a massive fan, it just seems harsh.
I didn't catch her being genuinely abrasive at all, I thought Iggy and Noel were hilarious together to be honest.
Can you imagine if Hershey's went all gourmet style with their ads and described their chocolate making process (UK residents, read in an M&S voice) "Our tanks process the milk prior to making the chocolate, rancidifying it for our unique and unmistakeable vomit flavour..."
I imagine because it's more expensive to make than they would like, the Anerican version of Cadbury's contains less cocoa.
... It sounds like you haven't actually tasted Cadburys to be honest. The only significant recipe change since Kraft took over has been in the Creme egg, and everyone kicked off over that.
... Funny, I thought you 'Mericans fought your wars like you make your chocolate; with lies and bitterness.