
What?! I'm pretty damn sure that Jezebel advocates an organ transplant, but you don't see them posting videos. You're an idiot- as eandh99 said, 24 week abortions are only used in very special situations.

Pick a better argument next time, this one is weak!

Boom! With you, lady. Tired of the grey and it has just put me right off Jezebel. It's mostly decent commenters who are confined to the grey, I think the trolls just got bored and left a long time ago.

I questioned two of the highly regarded Jezebel columnists about this and the increasing snark on the site.. Neither

I think you have been duped by a well refined and carefully constructed manufactured character.

Boris is absolutely aware of what he is doing, he is a worm eating his way into the hearts of people who laugh and shake their heads affectionately.

(I included this in a post to another commenter:)
Google a little and you

He's an awful man and, as another commenter has mentioned, the 'loveable' persona he projects makes him incredibly dangerous. This man is not a bumbling care bear. His views are far more 'right' than David Cameron and George Osbourne could conjure up in a conjoined wet dream.

Boris Johnson once commented that

But then, were Robin Thicke, Pharrell etc. aware of the director's intentions?? -It doesn't seem so from what Robin Thicke was quoted as saying above. Surely if they weren't aware, then the director couldn't be blatantly obvious about mocking them... Which, in fact makes the video seem even more clever to me.

I also

Ha nope!! Can I also just say THANK YOU for unintentionally introducing me to cake Which is where I found this topical abomination!

What the hell! Don't get me wrong, pregnancy is a beautiful thing and all that jazz, but I don't want to eat a stomach with a baby inside! I had trouble with Rowntree's Body Parts for crying out loud! Thank you for the photos though, I am amazed that this actually happens.

Pregnant bellies... That's a thing? Who the hell is doing that? I don't blame you, I would have trouble too.

I used to freaking love pogs when I was 7. I had so many amazing ones lus quite a few amazing slammers. I left them in my drawer at school after bringing them in for toy time one day, went back to them after a couple of hours to find them ALL GONE... apart from a couple of crap ones.

That was the day that I learned

I am going to be smug for a second and say that while Sir Patrick Stewart may not be my school administrator, he IS my uni chancellor and I get to meet him when I graduate... Boom!!

I was really ok with her until New Girl.... When they started shoving how 'quirky', and 'kooky' she is in your face.

Heat wave? Pah! News to me!

Yessssss!!! Capybaras ARE lovely! I love this video so much.

I freaked out even more because of the scruffy/ fluffy guinea pigs. Just. Amazing.

Go home meerkat, this is not the time for you.

'The tampon that we know and love(?) today wasn't invented until the 1930s, when John Williamson stuffed a condom full of the super-absorbent World War I bandages.'

Actually, tampons were originally invented by both the ancient Egyptians who used rolled papyrus and the ancient Romans who used greased wads of cotton. I

As far as I am aware, if someone is taking your picture you can demand that they delete the image/ video and stop any further image taking.

As a previous art student, I have been warned about respecting people's privacy many times by tutors.

That's pretty upsetting! Not cool.

Yeah I see what your are saying about being fully clothed/ in a public place, but in the UK (I really have no idea about privacy laws in other countries, so I'm just going to stick to the UK, please speak up if this applies to other countries too), no one is allowed to have your photo/ image without your permission,

Ah Canada, I'm sorry.

Submit it for medical? Does that mean that would you get money back? $40 is steep!