
Should have called it the Moto Moto...

"Black Superman" reminds me of Hancock. The title character got the way he was in the first half of the movie because a bunch of racists beat him up for walking with a white woman.

A Black or PoC Superman you say. Here are the delicious variants of prejudiced fanboy excuses you might encounter:

Yup, 2 dead, 75 hospitalised, 10-15 critical at SF General, 5 at a burns unit elsewhere in the city etc.

It's a bit obligatory, but it must be said:

Begun, the Clone Wars have.

300,000 exploding suns you say?

I hope for the best as from what we receive is what we will give back. Anyways, good luck on everything.

Oh, lordy...are we really referring to it as "bar culture" now?

Yes. This.

I feel like she does not understand how weddings work. A wedding reception is basically one giant party. You do not throw a party and then ask your guests to pay for it, unless you are a frat house and you are charging a cover to pay for the kegs. DO YOU WANT YOUR WEDDING TO BE A FRAT PARTY? (Side note: I typed

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

I am so impressed by the amount of misogyny this woman spews.

Jezebel is a little weak in the "understanding science" domain. Sort of like how Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is a little weak in the "human rights" domain.

think you meant "Chairman Mao" ain't tought u no sperrin'

My favorite part is about 18 seconds in, when the instructor (left seat) says, "Lemme see the helicopter one second." *YOINK!* "I got all three." I like to imagine he flicked his cigarette out the side at that moment, too. Cool as a cucumber in a coal mine.

"Son, I'm sorry I had to divorce your mother, but sometimes people can't be together. I hope you understand. Now forget all about it and enjoy this five hundred dollar RC plane."

Except it's on YouTube now. He's got proof!

That kid now has a pretty awesome story to tell all his friends that none of them will ever believe.