Sometimes a question is just a question, not "trolling". I'm so tired of people using that played-out word as a big ol' hammer for everything they don't agree with it. Quit it, please.
Sometimes a question is just a question, not "trolling". I'm so tired of people using that played-out word as a big ol' hammer for everything they don't agree with it. Quit it, please.
Just checking.
Would you feel the same about a human being?
Not sure if you got a response to this (lots of comments underneath)... but my dad had same problem until, for an unrelated issue, he got a nasal somnoplasty. The snoring reduced to almost nothing the next night.
Ahhhh you beat me to it...
What with the bad teeth? So without makeup, Barbie is... British???
Make sure you have time for your pet.
Cool Story Bro.
I hope the game also models the fact that a large majority of young black men are in prison, often for minor offences/infractions.
A little noise is OK for me, but yeah... too much talking or volume is distracting and messes with my stroke.
Wow! You're gonna make some pricey therapist someday really happy :)
Yeah... our brand of humor doesn't work on
Please don't let Honey Boo Boo and her family hear this...
Agreed, but I don't think Tyson is trying to be someone else, he is being himself. And a pretty darn good self, at that.
I started watching this about 2 weeks ago. Dunno how I missed it when I was younger. Anyway it's awesome... I am still on episode 4, since I've been mostly using it as a sleep aid.