I didn't even know there was a Double-rainbow song!
I didn't even know there was a Double-rainbow song!
Even my taxes?
YOLO and shit, indeed!
What can I say? I erred on the side of caution! You can thank my parents and the strict Catholic upbringing for that :)
Oh I WISH that would happen, just so I can laugh in the kid's face and look for the hidden camera! LOL!
Haha! I've never seen that movie but now I just might watch it!
I know, right???
Not necessarily on the outside.
I blame the victims here. No doubt those new fraternity members were TOTALLY asking for it! You KNOW they were... why else would they be dressed all sexy while sleeping, young-adult bodies and six-packs heaving gently as they slept peacefully in halos of their own strategically-mussed hair unsullied by age...
Alas, Capitalism, Free Market, and shareholder profits take #1 priority before ANYTHING ELSE.
OK I guess. I wish she'd be clearer on that. Like, "Damn you, Nature/Evolution..." or something along those lines.
Colloquially, "mothering" implies nurturing. "Fathering" implies insemination. Because—while my tits were falling off and my back was fucked up from pregnancy-induced scoliosis and my healing C-section incision made me afraid to sneeze—that was that was my husband's sole physical contribution in this whole thing: a…
Isn't this a re-run? I feel like I've read this same article here, before...
I met my dad's mother only twice in my life... and I only have vague memories of the one time. We lived in the city, and she lived in the village. When news of her passing came to us in the city (by a relative traveling to us, of course... no cell phones back then), I remember my dad just telling me matter-of-factly,…
Like, OMG!!
Not EVERY black female is bitchy, cheap, and violent.