Now I'm hungry for bread.
Now I'm hungry for bread.
Yup. Done and DONE!
There's where you're wrong. Somebody ALWAYS wins.
No such thing as zombies, but it's nice to waste time talking about them as if they could happen. NOT.
Anyone ever consider that it was the arm that gained control over HER?
Is that inaccurate?
Yeah my comment was aimed primarily at the f*cking media... it's all about ratings for those bastards :(
Dunno why people are busting my balls. I was asking a genuine question! I don't deal with Asperger kids, so I have no idea. My underlying question is basically, how do we KNOW for sure that Asperger people won't use guns the same way that a non-Asperger person would? That's all I'm asking! Don't taze me bro!!
Woah woah woah, take it easy buddy! Take a breath! If you really are doing what you say you are doing, then thank you and keep up the good work!
Yup. Because 'Murrica.
Anyone ever tested that? Has anyone ever put a loaded assault rifle in the hands of an agitated kid who has Asperger's Syndrome?
Not on Twitter, FB, or MySpace? Almost off-the-grid (as it were)? I think that information is kind of important, by itself.
Meanwhile, in the Congo... an entire village is wiped out by warlords wielding Western-funded guns, and no one in America bats an eye.
Hmm. Maybe I will enjoy consuming this movie with my eyeballs.
Sorry to sound a bit insensitive and off-topic here but... why are the pictures so damn grainy? Were they taken in 1894 using a piece of glass inside a potato???
Good to see there're still people with some modicum of common sense in this message board.
So 48fps is best for 3D movies? Cuz I plan to see The Hobbit in 2D only (I'm not not a big 3D fan)...
Does 48fps vs. 24fps really make that much difference?
That's cool.