
This is truly tragic. What's also tragic? The fact that these kids weren't armed in self-defense.

Now playing

Yes, and that's like, one of the many gajillion reasons I love The Matrix sooooo much! Zion was pretty statistically accurate re: racial diversity.

I wonder how much of that is legal reasons, and how much is just them not caring "that much" about what us fans want :(

Yup. And you know, with Disney acquiring Marvel, the situation will retain even more inertia... I can't imagine a huge corporation like Disney moving the "ethnic leading man"/character diversity ball any faster than it is now (which is, rather slow).

Sure we can. Christopher Nolan did it. And keeps doing it :)

Hah! I meant in the regular way.

Shit, you just blew my mind.

He-Man and Sh-Ra are siblings, right?

Oh I see what you're saying.

Call me when we invent the Holodeck.

Not really. It's like saying "Cyclops wears the ruby lens to prevent his ocular force beams from escaping". Well, of course he does... Because the WRITERS made it so. They could just have easily written Cyclops as "He wears no glasses at all because he knows how to keep his powers under control."

Hmm. I see T'Challa more as an Earth-bound hero, so linking him to the FF might be kinda odd. But I would have liked - If Fox Studios had their shit together - if Storm was absent from X-Men 3, and all they say is she's in Wakanda with her soon-to-be husband. That would have placated me.

The Wolverine


You really should get Netflix...

...and I'm not even a big fan of "Rosanna". So that leaves "Africa". Which was really relevant, too :)


Not to play the race card but im sure the character's ethinicity and location have a good amount to do with the decision.

Yeah I would, totally :)

You're right, and I have seen Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamond, and Tears of the Sun, Invictus, Safe House... all pretty gripping and/or dramatic flicks.