
Well, this is going to set a really bad precedent going forward...

I love seeing so many people are still digging on CAW and e-fed leagues, even as the pool for wrestling fans gets smaller and the WWE games gets more and more polarizing as the CAWs get better and better (cxome oooooon Fire Pro Wrestling World...). Ive wanted to start an efed for ages, and am a big backer and fan of


Damn, that really sucks for the guy. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and his fans.


Welp, he was talking about canceling his show when he hit 50 million subscribers... this is a good way to follow through with it...

God bless you, PM Trudeau, for not putting up with that bizarre Alpha Male bullshit. Please take us into your country.

I understand how you feel, Luke. I’m a dyed in the wool horror movie fan from back as a kid. I love horror movies (hell, as I’m writing this, Evil Dead 2 is on my TV), they are, by far, my life blood. BUT...when it comes to video games, it’s a little harder to process. I think it’s twofold. It’s the feeling of

They still lost.

I assume you can take the NY to SF trip for the same price, right?

Welp, this just became a trend in Japan...

It’s amazing to think that Aaron Hernandez is the smarter of the Patriots TE’s.

This should be the template for every PC release from here on out. Just plug in the name of the game and release it the day after a game comes out.

Never change, Canada. I love you and your politeness.

Me-“Hey, I think now would be a great time to get deep into DCU Online!”

All I know is that I’m glad people like these don’t write history books.

Now playing

Another irony of picking Jax for the Carl Weathers skin:

I’m sorry, but this is the winner. Now and forever.

Thank you, Japan, for filling the world with batshit-crazy gam developers...