I almost want the Cavs to win the title just so we can say the worse, dumbest coach in NBA history has a ring.
I almost want the Cavs to win the title just so we can say the worse, dumbest coach in NBA history has a ring.
Funny, this actually happened to me and my cousin’s Darth figure, and his wood burning stove that I didn’t know was lit.
Again, sorry, Chris.
I’LL TAKE 8!!!
Basically, Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.
How did this one not get highlighted?! DONKEY SAUCE!!!
Can I go on record and say that this is one of the coolest UFO model designs I’ve ever seen?
I would laugh my ass off if someone from GG called in the bomb threat to get press/sympy. Seems like something one of their ilk would do.
Welp, looks like I’m making a heavy investment in this game...
Boxing is, quite literally, the worse sport in the world right now. And that’s saying something, considering how awful a lot of sports have become in the last 20 years.
Wonder if it could link to any possible GTA DLC. Nothing has been announced yet, but it could be a precursor...
Yeah, I think I’m picking up the trades for this one today. Thanks for selling me on it.
...Is the ESPN campus actually Arkham Asylum? Asking for a friend.
We’ve done this because it’s clear we didn’t understand exactly what we were doing.
Why do you even have to ask that question? It’s a more complex issue to ask “What isn’t wrong and egocentric about Stephen A. Smith?”
I still contend that they created First Take as a way to easily keep an eye on him and Skip.
I think I’m more disappointed in Azzarello agreeing to this. Miller, I’d expect this from his insane ass now. Brian, not so much.
How can you NOT want this?!
Hello? I’ll take 8!
I’ve always had this mindset. People should get paid for their time and effort. But there has to be some recognition that there is a limit to how much people can afford to spend, especially coming off a model that was previously mostly free. It’s one thing to chip in some coin here and there (if anything, I find…
It’s about Ethics in Joker Journalism.